01. strong, resilient and pure

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chapter one:

strong, resilient and pure


THERE WAS SOMETHING about the dreary corridors of Grimmauld Place that seemed much more cavernous and intimidating when Capella was forced to navigate them alone.

It was no surprise that Sirius was once again not joining them for the holidays after being officially disowned the year prior, but the absence of Regulus shook Capella completely. 

Evan Rosier had offered him to spend the majority of the summer at his manor and their parents had agreed as they thought spending time with a 'pure' family was a perfect idea for their only son. Regulus had been ecstatic at the news, Capella not so much.

They were the last two left. They were supposed to be in this together. However, Regulus had left her to deal with their volatile parents all alone this year. At least he wasn't around to try and attempt to talk her out of what she was about to do. But maybe since he abandoned her this summer, Regulus didn't care about her as much as Capella had hoped.

Capella's footsteps echoed painfully loudly as she reached the door at the far end of the entry hall and approached a set of narrow stone stairs leading to the basement, and the house's kitchen. Though less ornate than the floors above, the kitchen was still a large, spacious room with a large fireplace at the far end. Iron pots and pans swung down from the ceiling above, and a long wooden table was placed in the centre of the room, large enough to fit a couple dozen people around it for a meal.

Capella remembered just how magnificent the room had appeared to her when she was a child. Everything had felt so much brighter and warmer back then. The kitchen was a place where herself and Sirius had stolen midnight snacks from and where she had made Regulus countless mugs of muggle hot chocolate after a particularly rough nightmare.

Now, the kitchen had a gloomy feeling and the magic was missing from the once vibrant and polished room. In fact the entire house seemed to be shrouded in a darkness that hadn't been present before. It was as if the building was aware that the Noble House of Black was slowly dying, falling apart by the seams, and had begun to mourn the loss.

"Is that really what you are wearing this evening, Capella? The sharp voice of Walburga Black echoed throughout the kitchen as she took in her daughter's appearance "You are dressed for a funeral, not an engagement"

Capella self consciously looked down at her dress and crinkled her eyebrows in confusion. What was wrong with her outfit? She had chosen a simple black dress with lace trimmings at the collar and gracing the bottom of her skirt and had paired the outfit with a simple pair of black high heeled shoes. Capella was giving up her freedom today, the colour seemed fitting.

"My apologies, mother" Capella kept her eyes rested on her shoes, not daring to look Walburga in the eye. She couldn't afford to make her parents angry. Everything had to go just as planned. "I was just remembering my etiquette lessons, 'when in doubt the colour black is always elegant and appropriate'"

"I suppose it will do" Walburga hummed in approval and Capella breathed a quick sigh of relief "Come over here," She beckoned "I need to give you something"

Capella forced herself to walk closer to where her mother was standing. Walburga raised her hands towards her and Capella couldn't help but flinch back slightly at the motion. As usual, her mother pretended not to notice her daughter's fear and proceeded to place a piece of jewelry around Capella's neck.

"Turn around" Walburga ordered and Capella did so without hesitation. Her mother fastened the clasp of the necklace and spun her back around so she could take a proper look at the heirloom. "Perfect" she stated calmly.

Capella looked down to examine the necklace. It was a delicate, silver chain with a small star to match. Capella gasped at just how beautiful it was. She usually despised every heirloom she was given, but this felt different - It felt special.

"Do you ever wonder why we are named after the stars in the sky?" Walburga spoke into the silence, her voice taking on a much more soft quality that Capella hadn't heard since the day of the sorting ceremony. She didn't dare to speak as her mother's eyes glazed over as though she was reminiscing on a different, a better, time.

"It has been a tradition for centuries," She continued, slowly and carefully "The stars appear in the sky no matter what is happening in the world. They shine relentlessly. The stars are strong and resilient and pure." She cleared her throat and returned to look Capella directly in the eye.

"Just like us," Walburga's hands rested on Capella's shoulders "You must never forget that. If you listen to me you will be unstoppable"

"I won't forget, mother," Capella responded with a sharp, affirmative nod  

"Go down to the dining room and assist Kreacher with the table," Walburga ordered "Everything must go smoothly to ensure an alliance can be made. Can I count on you?"

"Of course" Capella replied and if Walburga noticed her eyes briefly begin to fill with tears before she quickly blinked them away, she chose to ignore it. 

———— NOTES ————

Welcome to Act 2!

Just a short introductory chapter to start off the Act.

Hopefully the next chapter (the dinner party) will be out soon - maybe even tomorrow.

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