11. 'tis the damn season

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chapter eleven:

'tis the damn season


EACH YEAR WHEN December rolled around, students were met by their smiling parents at Kings Cross Station, excited to be reunited and celebrate the holidays together. For Capella and Regulus, their experience was a lot less warm and they were usually greeted by a cold nod (if they were lucky) followed by a quick apparition back to Grimmauld.

This year, however, Orion had written to inform Capella that neither himself or Walburga ould be able to make it and that they were to find their own way home. Luckily Capella had just passed her apparition exam after months of practice so they wouldn't be left stranded in the cold trying to find a floo network.

"Hurry up," Regulus groaned as he rubbed his hands together in a poor attempt to warm himself up "It's freezing out here."

"If you would have just worn the hat and gloves I know you have buried in the bottom of your suitcase you wouldn't be in this position." Capella scolded with a disdainful look in his direction.

"You know I hate hats!" Regulus complained again, causing Capella to roll her eyes. All he needed was to add a pout to his face and stomp his feet a few times and he would look just like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

"Yes I know" She comforted with fake sympathy as she ruffled his hair "It messes up your 'oh so perfect' hair"

Regulus slapped her hand away from his head and he scowl deepened when he saw the smile growing on her face.

The siblings did eventually manage to make it home for Christmas after a few more minutes of bickering and were immediately greeted by Kreacher. "Welcome home young Master Regulus and Mistress Capella"

"Where are our parents?" Regulus questioned suspiciously. It was unlike Walburga to not interrogate the pair on everything they had done wrong over the first term.

"Master is in his office and has demanded not to be disturbed and Mistress is reading in the living room."

"Come along brother, let's get this over with." Capella sighed and forced herself to walk in the direction of their large, imposing living room.

"Wait!" Regulus whisper-shouted as he rushed to grab her arm and stop Capella in her tracks "What if she wants to be left alone? You don't want to make her angry so early into the holidays, do you?"

"She's not going to get annoyed if I'm with you" Capella spoke with false cheerfulness "besides I find it easier to just get all the arguing over with. No point in dragging out the inevitable."

Regulus reluctantly followed his sister and stumbled into the grey living room, capturing the attention of their mother.

Setting down her copy of the Daily Prophet, Walburga let out an exasperated sigh "Regulus stand up straight and Capella straighten out the wrinkles in your dress this instant."

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