09. dreaded detention

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chapter nine:

dreaded detention 


"YOU ABSOLUTE IDIOT Sirius Black!" Capella yelled at her brother, emphasising each word with a slap on his shoulder with her charms textbook.

"Oi" Sirius spoke in a mixture of confusion and offence "What did I do to deserve this?"

Capella refused to dignify that comment with a response and instead settled for simply staring at him silently until he managed to screw his head on properly and make the connection. Instead, Sirius took her actions as the beginning of a staring contest. He opened his eyes as wide as humanly possible but caved after about ten seconds and rapidly started blinking.

"Hey I wasn't ready" He complained "Start again on three.. two..on-"

"No you arse!" Capella shrieked as she went to use her book as a weapon once more before realising it had been rudely snatched out of her hands by James.

"You will get this back when you're no longer a danger to yourself and others" James stated teasingly but quickly sobered up when he became the subject of one of Capella's deadly looks

"Moony help me I'm scared" He whispered hurriedly as he hid behind the much taller boy.

"I believe Capella is mad about the fight before the quidditch match" Remus sighed as he sent her an apologetic look.

"All this is about Montague?" Sirius exclaimed in bewilderment "I won't apologise for defending you against that sorry excuse for a man"

"I don't need you to stand up for me" Capella's eyes narrowed "I am perfectly capable of defending myself"

"I'm not saying that you're not!" Sirius continued exasperatedly "I'm saying that you don't ever stand up for yourself"

"That's not true at all" Capella argued "I just know when to pick my battles"

"Really?" Sirius asked rhetorically, raising his eyebrows at her statement "When was the last time you properly spoke back to them then?"

Capella furrowed her brow in thought for a few moments before she realised that she had no recent memory. She usually just went along with what those around her said to avoid any chance of news of her 'disobedience' getting back to her parents.

"Exactly" Sirius stated smugly as he dramatically waved his hands around "You can't even think of an example"

"That's besides the point" Capella huffed, slightly annoyed that he had gained the upper hand "I appreciate that you helped me out but you have to stop doing that"

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