01. the great escape

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chapter one:

the great escape


CAPELLA BLACK HAD been preparing for the day when Sirius would inevitably leave her alone in Grimmauld Place ever since she was eleven.

From the day he was sorted into Gryffindor, she knew it was only a matter of time before he realised that he deserved a better life - a better family - than the one he had been given. Capella knew that each argument he had with their parents that resulted in her cleaning up his blood off the floor, brought him one step closer to abandoning her.

And honestly, she couldn't blame him.

Sirius had always taken the brunt of their parent's anger, even before he became an official 'disgrace to the Black family legacy'. They had never once harmed a hair on Regulus' head as he was always smart enough to never speak back. Walburga and Orion were a lot tougher on Capella and she constantly found herself on the receiving end of her mother's curses and her father's fists - usually as punishment for standing up for her twin brother. However, she did possess enough Slytherin self-preservation to know when to give up.

Sirius, on the other hand, would use his Gryffindor bravery (or stupidity in Capella's opinion) and take every opportunity available to anger their parents. This led to a lot of fighting and Capella having to push her own feelings aside to comfort Regulus (who was terrified of the screaming) and also help Sirius recover afterwards.

During the summer before their sixth year as she hugged a shaking Regulus while trying to tune out the yelling coming from the dining room, she got a sickening feeling of dread in her stomach. Capella wasn't a seer but even she could tell that there was something in the air that night. A sense of finality. Her life as she knew it ending.

The screaming eventually stopped - it always did - but the sound of Sirius slamming his door was a lot weaker than usual. She knew he must be really hurt this time.

Capella gently moved out of a sleeping Regulus' arms and made her way to her twin's room - the foreboding feeling never once leaving her body.

Entering without knocking, she was met with the sight of a pale, trembling Sirius curled up in pain on the floor. They had never gone this far before.

"Sirius" she whispered frantically, running over to him and taking in the damage.

"Ella" his eyes remained closed and his face was scrunched up in pain "It looks worse than it is"

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