03. late nights

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chapter 3:

late nights


THE WELCOMING FEAST was, in Capella's opinion, the worst night of the entire year.

She never understood why all the students had to wait for the sorting ceremony to finish with an entire spread of delicious food right in front of them. Waiting to eat was practically torture! Capella really couldn't care less about the new arrivals to each house as the rumbling in her stomach was far too distracting.

Just when she thought the time for eating had finally arrived, Albus Dumbledore decided it was the perfect time to begin his most boring speech yet. Capella felt her eyes drooping as the esteemed headmaster began talking about the new members of staff and other things she really couldn't bring herself to care about.

Glancing over towards the Gryffindor table, she could tell that her boredom was most definitely shared. Sirius and James were engaged in what looked like to be a very intense thumb war and Peter was playing the part of referee for the pair. Out of the four, Remus was the only one at least pretending to listen to the speech but it was clear that he was a few minutes away from falling asleep.

Capella made eye contact with her best friend Alice Fortescue who offered her a smile as Dumbledore continued to drone on and on about inter house unity. Alice was quite possibly the kindest person in the world - not that Capella was anyway biased as her best friend.

Capella had always had a difficult time making friends and was very careful about who she allowed herself to get close to.

She had always felt incredibly out of place with the rest of the Slytherin students in her year. While they weren't all crazy blood supremacists (a stereotype about the Slytherin house that Capella despised), they had definitely wanted to get on her good side due to the war raging on outside castle walls.

Everyone in her year had all obviously been warned about her family's reputation and were all desperate to get closer to her for status reasons only.

Capella made it very clear that she had no time for people like that.

Once the students in her house realised she had no real interest in false friendships like the ones they were offering - she became an outcast. It only worsened as she began to hang around with Sirius and his 'blood traitor' friends.

However, without Capella even noticing, Alice Fortescue somehow managed to single handedly break through the barriers she placed between herself and the rest of the world and the unlikely pair had been best friends ever since their second year.

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