03. owls and letters

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chapter three:

owls and letters


tw. implied abuse


Greetings from Potter Manor! I am certain that you're missing me sooooo much so I decided to write you a letter. The lack of 'Sirius' in your life must be painful.

Only joking (kind of), I know you just rolled your eyes at this letter and I hope you know that it's weird because you're alone.

Hopefully James' owl 'Snitch', (yes, it's named after a quidditch term. His obsession is getting concerning), gets this to you quickly.

Hope you're having as good of a summer as you can in the absolute hell hole that is Grimmauld place. Tell dear ol' mum and dad that I said hello. I'm sure they miss me dearly.

In all SIRIUSness ...get it?... Mia and Monty (james' parents) say that you're always welcome over here if you need to get out of there. I know you well enough to know you probably won't but... please, please, please just think about it!

Write back the second you get this letter! I've told Snitch to sit and wait until you do so you won't have to ask to use the family owl. So there's NO EXCUSES!

See you at the train station

Your favourite brother,



Sirius has been really annoying ever since Snitch, (which is a great name... yeah that's right, I read his last letter), came back without a letter from you.

I really don't want to get involved but Sirius will never admit that he's hurt that you ignored him. Don't worry, he doesn't blame you. None of us do! We know that your home....isn't exactly the nicest place. But if you get a chance please respond so Sirius will stop moping around.

In other news, you will never guess who is the new head boy of Hogwarts.

Spoiler alert... It's me! Crazy right? My parents almost owled Dumbledore asking if it was a mistake.

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