05. crying over spilled ink

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chapter five:

crying over spilled ink


'MORNING ELLA" Regulus smiled softly from his seat at the Slytherin table, gesturing for her to sit next to him.

Capella, who was practically dead on her feet after a night of restless sleep, yawned as she collapsed in the chair.

"Morning Reg" she stifled another yawn as she reached for a slice of toast.

"You okay?" He questioned after taking in her exhausted form. Usually the first few nights back at Hogwarts offered a chance to catch up on the rest they had missed over the summer, but Capella appeared just as run down as usual "You look horrible"

"Gee, thanks Reg" Capella responded sarcastically as she took a bite of her breakfast.

Regulus laughed at her glare before sobering up enough to speak "No, seriously. Is everything alright?"

"When is anything ever alright" she muttered bitterly, causing Regulus to raise an eyebrow in surprise. Usually, Capella tended to keep those pessimistic thoughts to herself, leaving him to be the negative one.

"You're not wrong but what brought this on?"

"Got paired with Marshall for potions" she hissed through a mouthful of breakfast. Regulus stifled a laugh at the disgust behind her words.

"Ohhh" he nodded sympathetically "that's the annoyingly happy Hufflepuff isn't it?"

"Aren't all Hufflepuffs weirdly happy? It's irritating if you ask me." Capella added, choosing to purposefully ignore the fact that the sorting hat was extremely close to placing her in that very same house.

"Anyway" Regulus rolled his eyes at her immaturity "You've had bad partners before, what's so terrible about this one?"

"The best pair gets to have some Felix Felicis" Capella whispered the sentence dramatically and visibly deflated when her actions received no reaction from Regulus.

"And?" He gestured for her to continue

"Liquid luck, Reg!" She said, exasperated and Regulus' eyes widened as he finally understood why she was so angered by the pairing.

"Woah" he whispered "we could do with some of that.

"Exactly my point, my dear brother. And I have no chance at all with Marshall in my team"

"You never know, Ella" Regulus tried to reason with her "he might be better than you expect. It's not like you have to be best friends with the guy, it's just one class"

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