05. old traditions

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chapter five:

old traditions


WITHIN MINUTES OF the three marauders leaving her compartment, Capella found herself struggling to keep her eyes open. Her head was awkwardly leaning against the large window and her cheek was uncomfortably pressed up against the glass. Capella was certain to have a horrible pain in her neck, but she couldn't find it in herself to care.

She never thought she would miss the isolation of her cold, sparse room in Grimmauld but anything sounded better than having to face the world. James had already confessed that Sirius was furious and she also had to find time to deal with Regulus and Alice.

Her usual peaceful train ride to Hogwarts was turning into a complete and utter disaster.

"You have a lot of explaining to do"

Capella's eyes flew open in shock at the sound of her twin brother's irritated voice. She had been doubtful of the likelihood that James, Remus and Peter would be able to convince Sirius to hear her out; but it turned out that she had grossly underestimated them.

"You're here" Capella breathed a sigh of relief. Her first instinct was to scan his frame for any signs of injury but had to stop herself immediately. She didn't need to do that anymore - he was safe from their parents.

That thought brought a genuine smile to her lips. Sirius was away from Grimmauld Place and so was she, even if it was only for a short period of time.

"Tell me why I had to learn of my own sister's engagement from the Daily Prophet of all places" Sirius scowled, unwilling to let the topic drop without an explanation. "And to Theodore Nott of all people. He's bad news, Capella!"

"Stop frowning, you'll get wrinkles" Capella attempted to lighten the mood but Sirius' scowl only grew. "Siriusly, you have to stop worrying about me."

"Stop trying to make this all a big joke." Sirius snapped "Why have you suddenly decided that getting married to Nott is what you want?"

Capella froze for a brief moment - He didn't react to her 'sirius' joke. He must be really mad. She gestured for him to take the seat across from her and only when he begrudgingly sank down onto the chair did she attempt to explain herself.

"Remember the plan I told you about the night you ran away?" Sirius nodded and waved his hand for her to continue. "Well this is all part of it"

Sirius' shoulders deflated in relief "So you're not actually going to marry him then?"

Capella avoided eye contact as she started to fiddle with her hands in her lap. How could she explain this to Sirius without having him try to meddle?

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