15. conversations and consoling

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chapter fifteen:

conversations and consoling


Capella hated the rain almost as much as she hated prefect meetings.

Seeing the once picture perfect, serene, cerulean sky turn a dirty grey to accommodate the rain-filled clouds was enough to colour her mood for an entire evening.

Capella was always put in a similar mood when she was forced to sit and listen to James Potter ramble on for half an hour whilst simultaneously flirting with Lily Evans.

Capella gracelessly placed her chin in her hand as she glared out at the droplets of rain as though her fierce stare will deter more droplets from falling.

Rain and a prefect meeting. Such a lovely combination.

"So James and I were talking last night-" Lily spoke softly, her face turning red as she realised the implications of her sentence. She cleared her throat, embarrassed, while James grinned happily at her words. "And we decided that throwing a graduation dance for the 7th year students would be a good idea. You know, to raise morale and give everyone a nice send off."

There were excited whispers from the seventh year prefects and annoyed murmurs from the others at the exclusion. Capella, however, inwardly groaned. The last thing she needed to think about was a big 'going away' ceremony. She would thankfully fade into the background and leave Hogwarts as if she had never even been there in the first place.

Leaving Hogwarts meant leaving her safe place, her refuge, forever. If she thought about it for too long she feared she may never recover.

Lily silenced everyone with one clap of her hands "Everyone here can help set everything up on the day and do tasks along the way, but we decided that we want two people to work together to plan and assign jobs."

Capella silently prayed that she wouldn't have to have anything to do with preparing for the celebration.

"Capella and I will do it" Leo said loudly and Capella whipped her head around to glare at him in shock. If Capella had been paying more attention she would have seen James send a blinding smile and a proud thumbs up in Leo's direction - but she was too overcome with anger to notice.

"Sorry what?" Capella spoke through gritted teeth before turning back to face Lily and James "I really don't think I have the ti-"

"That sounds brilliant!" She was cut off quickly by an overexcited James. "Seeing as that's settled, I think we can adjourn the meeting for today. Night everyone!"

Seeing Capella's enraged face, James quickly scrambled to grab Lily's hand and dragged the exasperated head girl out of the room before anyone had time to process what had happened.

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