16. party planning

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chapter seventeen:

party planning


Capella should have been used to how well her and Leo work together by now but somehow she still found herself shocked by their ease around each other.

The pair of them had been spending quite a bit of time together attempting to put together a graduation ball for their whole year in the limited time they had and Capella had been finding the experience.. enjoyable. Leo had a way of making all her problems melt away into insignificant background noise when she was in his presence. It was relieving - thrilling even.

Mostly though, it was dangerous.

Capella had lost sight of why she had been so desperate to keep her distance from him and she was paying for that dearly now. Leo had carved himself a permanent space in her heart and with each minute they spent together she was more and more unwilling to begin the process of breaking away.

"The only things we have left to organise are some extra decorations and the food" Leo stated looking down at what once was quite a long to-do list. His eyebrows were drawn together in concentration and he was fiddling with the muggle pen in his hand as he spoke. Adorable Capella thought.

"I already asked Topsy if she and the other elves in the kitchen would help with the food for the party so that's sorted as well" Capella said with a small smile on her face thinking back to her first proper conversation with Leo in the kitchens the year before.

"Perfect" Leo grinned as he dramatically ticked the box next to food on his list "Nothing will top that chocolate cake she made though"

Capella looked up and met his eyes with a slightly shocked expression. He had an unparalleled ability to know what she was thinking at all times.

"What about a locomotion charm?" Leo spoke into the silence.

Capella cleared her throat and broke the eye contact they had been holding for far too long "Sorry what?"

"For the extra decorations?" Leo raised an eyebrow and smirked slightly at her behaviour "we could make paper airplanes and other paper designs and enchant them to fly around with the charm!"

"What's a paper airplane?" Capella questioned trying to draw any sort of knowledge from hearing Sirius ramble on about muggles "Aren't airplanes the muggle sky buses?"

Leo threw his head back in laughter and Capella felt her face heat slightly in embarrassment.

"Sorry, sorry" he apologised, still shaking from silent laughter "I shouldn't laugh. That's actually a good description."

"I doubt it" Capella sheepishly laughed with him ignoring her momentary embarrassment "My knowledge on muggles is unfortunately limited"

Leo jumped off his seat across from Capella and slid into the empty chair beside her in one smooth motion. He turned his list over and began to fiddle with the paper. Whatever he was doing looked rather odd to Capella but she decided to stay quiet. After about a minute he presented his artwork to a bewildered Capella.

"Ta da!" He exclaimed holding it out to her proudly "This is a paper airplane"

Capella hesitantly took the paper from Leo and inspected the shape. "How did you do this ?" She questioned in shock "Can you do wandless magic?"

"Nope" Leo let out a small fond laugh and "That was all me"

"How" Capella exclaimed in wonder as she further examined the paper contraction in her hands. She was holding gently as though she was afraid of ruining it "Can you show me?"

Her piercing grey eyes met his soft brown ones and Leo found himself enraptured by her innocent expression of excitement.

"Of course I can," He answered softly, grabbing another piece of paper "It's quite simple once you get the hang of it". He placed the paper on the table and Capella gently placed her hands on top of the sheet trying to remember how Leo had started the plane.

"May I?" He asked quietly, gesturing towards the paper. Capella nodded and he gently placed his hands over her own as he guided her through folding the paper perfectly.

Within seconds a second paper airplane was on the table and Capella giggled in glee. "I did it" she exclaimed quietly, her confused frown becoming a grin as she admired her work. "It's perfect!"

Leo didn't glance at the airplane once, instead choosing to focus on the pure joy glistening on Capella's face. "Absolutely perfect," he softly agreed.

I'm back! 

Sorry for the short update but I haven't written in a while so I'm getting back into the swing of it  

This act is almost over! 

Thanks for all the votes and comments! They keep me inspired to write!

Thanks for all the votes and comments! They keep me inspired to write!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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