14. stolen glances

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chapter fourteen:

stolen glances


IN LEONARDO MARSHALL'S opinion, Capella Black looked simply enchanting when she was happy, especially when she was laughing. Although rare, those precious moments when she decided to let go and giggle were moments Leo treasured. He had practically memorised the way her nose scrunched up and her eyes crinkled when she threw her head back, completely consumed with joy. He had only witnessed it one or twice, but he knew he would do anything to get her to smile that way at him. Absolutely anything.

It was a crime, he thought, that she had no idea how special she truly was. She had startling grey eyes that seemed to stare straight into your very soul and a kind nature hidden beneath all of that cool indifference. She was an angel trying to get by in a crowd of demons, but somehow she was managing to survive.

That was well and good, but Leo wished she knew what it felt like to live.

"Earth to Leo" Steven Abbott, Leo's best friend, waved a hand in front of his face as he attempted to catch his attention. Leo immediately snapped his attention away from the enigma that was Capella Black and focused back on his friend.

"Right, sorry. Just got distracted" Leo apologised, hoping that Steven didn't notice just who he had been busy staring at. Abbott turned his head to the Slytherin table and back to Leo, then repeated the action, before shrugging and returning to his potatoes. Leo breathed a silent sigh of relief. At least his secret was safe for now.

As Steven prattled on about how soft and airy the mashed potatoes were that evening, Leo found his eyes trailing back over to where Capella was seated. As usual, herself and her brother were sitting by each other and were engrossed in what seemed to have turned into a serious conversation. Did it have something to do with the 'plan' she had mentioned?

Leo shook his head lightly, causing Steven to pause in his ramblings and offer his friend a suspicious glance "What's up with you lately?" He questioned, concerned "You've been acting strange"

"Me? Strange?" Leo faked a laugh, his voice rising at least three octaves "I'm not strange at all. In fact, perhaps you are the strange one if you think that I, the most normal person ever, is acting strange."

"You said the word 'strange' at least ten times in the last few minutes" Steven noted "It doesn't even sound like a word anymore"

Leo laughed lightly as he dug his fork into his food with a little more force than necessary.

"Look" Steven sighed before eating another mouthful of his dinner "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to but I know somethings up. I'm here if you need to talk"

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