02. no turning back

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chapter two:

no turning back


CAPELLA WAS PERCHED uncomfortably on the edge of her bed as she attempted to calm the ferocious, frantic beating of her heart and calm her trembling fingers. The relentless pounding of her heart echoed the seconds ticking by on the large clock above the ornate fireplace in the corner of her room. She wasn't ready for this. The vial of liquid luck felt heavy in her hands as she turned it over and over in her palm.

Capella's eyes drifted over towards the bottom drawer of her dresser, the one that held her stolen floo powder. Escape was so close. She could disappear until she became of age, maybe even spend some time in the muggle world. Eventually she would get bored or lonely and she could return back to the wizarding world and live as a free witch. Capella wondered what it would be like to be in control of her own destiny. Sirius did it. Andromeda did it. Why couldn't she?

If Capella had been left to her own thoughts for a few minutes longer, there's no telling what the outcome could have been; but at that exact moment a sharp knock at her door broke her lonely silence.

She stood up slowly, collecting herself, before she made her way towards the door. Capella hesitated before knocking back the contents of the small vial of Felix Felicis. Here goes nothing. Her body felt as though it was on fire before it settled into a cool burn, one that inspired her to open the door. It seemed like the right thing to do.

Capella twisted the silver doorknob and reluctantly pulled open the door to reveal a tense looking Orion Black.

"Come along, child" came his harsh, gruff voice "The Nott's have arrived and there is much to discuss". As Capella moved to walk past him, her father grabbed her arm and forced her to look up at him.

"I expect that you will be on your best behaviour" the sheer power and warning in Orion's voice was enough to send shivers down Capella's spine. She felt any courage slip away as she offered her father a sharp nod.

She had resigned herself to what she was about to do. Hopes of escape were futile; no matter how wonderful freedom would be.

Capella hastily walked across the marble floors and descended the spiral staircase, clinging onto the bannister as if it was the only thing keeping her upright.

"Ah there she is" Walburga said with false cheerfulness as Capella finally made it to the dining room "Take a seat, my dear"

Capella inwardly cringed at the show her mother was putting on just for their guests, as if they weren't aware of the Black Family's cutthroat reputation. Walburga wasn't fooling anybody.

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