13. fears and fireworks

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chapter thirteen:

fears and fireworks 


NEW YEAR'S EVE was perhaps one of the most spectacular occasions at Hogwarts each year. There was a different sort of buzz in the air in comparison to Yule and Halloween. There was no grand feast in the great hall, no epic (and overly long, if you asked Capella) speeches from the headmaster and the majority of the students were still at home with their families. It was a quieter, simpler atmosphere but, in Capella's opinion, just as electric as any one of the other holidays.

Her parents had sent her straight back to Hogwarts after her engagement party. It seemed as though they couldn't bear to have her around any longer this year than absolutely necessary -not that Capella was complaining. She had been on treacherous thin ice ever since that fateful dinner with the Notts and every second she spent cooped up in Grimmauld she became more and more fearful of provoking her already temperamental family.

The only downside of being allowed to leave that hellhole early was the fact that Regulus was now stuck there alone.

Capella sighed forlornly to herself as she began the all too familiar climb to the Astronomy tower. There were even fewer people at Hogwarts this year than ever before. They were probably all enjoying their quality family time, she thought bitterly, waiting until the very last second to share their tear filled goodbyes at the train station. 

Capella would never know what that felt like.


AT TEN MINUTES until midnight she finally reached the top of the stairs. It was practically tradition for her at this point to make herself comfortable on the astronomy tower and watch the small celebrations taking place below her. She would watch with a small smile as the few stragglers who stayed at Hogwarts for Christmas and those who had decided to come back for the new year would run around below with sparklers, funny hats and even fireworks.

Before she would have Sirius beside her and they would sit together cracking jokes, in later years drinking and doing just about anything to ignore thinking about home.

This year, much like last year, she would face New Years alone without him. Capella hoped he was having a good time doing whatever it was the Potter's do at New Years. He used to bitterly tell her that James would invite him to spend New Years at his house each year but he was too scared of Walburga's reaction to accept and didn't want to leave Capella and Regulus out in the cold. While it pained her heart that she was alone, she couldn't help but begrudgingly smile at the thought of one of his oldest wishes coming true.

Capella looked out the window of the astronomy tower, her hair blowing frantically in the wind. She shivered as she exhaled, watching the cool, white fog dance around in the air. Her shoulders were hunched and pulled up to her ears as she rubbed her hands together for warmth. Usually Sirius brought the blankets.

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