07. potions and patrols

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chapter seven:

potions and patrols


CAPELLA WALKED BRISKLY into the potions classroom only a few seconds before class was due to start. She had been trying to avoid Slughorn as much as possible for fear he would ask her to do anything else for the school. First it was joining the Slug Club, then becoming prefect - who knew what he would come up with next!

Slughorn prided himself on spotting the potential in his students and found joy in predicting who would become successful. For some reason he had placed all his hopes in Capella, Lily Evans, Severus Snape and Leo Marshall (who had been added to the list after last year). Capella didn't care about the rest of them, she just wanted Slughorn to leave her alone.

She had to admit that it was quite flattering to have someone believe in her and she really did love potions. Capella even had dreams about being a potioneer when she was younger. But since she was now betrothed and it was greatly frowned upon for married pureblood women to work - that dream was never coming true. In the words of Lily Evans, 'the rules of pureblood society were simply archaic!'

Theodore Nott was already seated at a desk and immediately spotted Capella as she entered the room. Their conversations had been few and far between after the disastrous dinner party so Capella was surprised when he gestured for her to sit in the chair beside him.

Capella quickly accepted the olive branch and gracefully slid into the seat, offering a hesitant smile which was decidedly not returned.

"We are partners this year" Nott spoke suddenly, interrupting the silence at their table and causing Capella to jump.

"Really?" She responded in confusion "I didn't know that Slughorn put up the list yet?"

"Professor Slughorn" Nott corrected her in a tone of disapproval "And I requested that we be put together. It only seems right due to our engagement"

"Alright" Capella nodded agreeably "So what are we making?"

"Perhaps if you were on time you would know" Nott spoke in a cool tone and Capella felt her shoulders tense.

"I wasn't even late" She replied just as coldly "In fact I was perfectly on time."

Theodore just hummed under his breath and Capella forced herself to take a breath to calm down.

"We are making Pepperup" he eventually relented "But we will be moving onto Amortentia after Christmas. Supposedly it takes the rest of the year and will be part of our NEWT examination for potions."

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