♧ 𝐖𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 ♧

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Reader's Pov

The Snow swallowed my foot as I strolled outside, a trail of my foot leaving behind While admiring how

The Snow Danced as it Fell.

This past few weeks I've been feeling kinda dizzy and hazy. But I chose to ignore it. I look at my side as I notice a presence in it.

I was greeted with a Grayish-blue eyed boy smiling softly at me. I gave him a small smile as I continue to walk with him. He interrupted the comfortable silence.

"Thank you for your help, Y/n" He thanked me gratefully, he asks me to help him with charms the other week. I gladly accept he also helped me with Transfiguration, both of us did our works in a tree that I always go to.

"You thanked me many times Cal," I told him, he's been thanking me non-stop it's getting annoying,

I notice him stopping so I look at him. He's wearing black pants with a white t-shirt, his kind eyes are staring at my (e/c) Ones.

"You're welcome, Caleb" I stated softly, I nod at him and continue walking. He softly stops me by holding my arms. I look at his hand then his face I tilted my head.

"You know the Christmas ball is coming. By any chance would you like to go on and be my partner?"
He asked hesitantly, his voice as clear as a child but you can't just answer right away.

You look at his eyes not believing him but he gave you a hopeful smile. You think about Severus, would he like it if he saw you with someone?

If I told Caleb No I'd feel so bad.
But if I told him Yes I feel like I'm Betraying Severus.
But we're not Together why would I feel like I'm cheating on him.

It's not like he cares about me... Right?

I didn't notice that Caleb is still waiting for my answer until he grabs both of my hands looking hopefully at me.

"No," I told him smiling mockingly, his eyes widen not expecting my answer. I walked back to the castle but he stops me again. He smirked at me but I just narrowed my eyes at him.

"Come on, n/n" He tried again, good for him but I'm not saying yes to him unless it's Severus who is asking me.

I shake my head at him and continue walking back to the castle. He follows closely beside me, we went to the great hall to eat lunch we have no following classes since it's the weekend and The Headmaster allowed the Christmas ball attendees to go to Hogsmeade to buy what they need for the ball.

After lunch, I change into more comfortable clothes that can still keep me warm.
I'm fixing my jeans when I bump into something I was about to go to the carriage but I look up to see Severus.

"Hello there, Nice bumping into you." I joked to my surprise I saw a small smile appearing on his face.
He helped me get up. I decided to channel my inner Gryffindor.

"Professor, do you mind if I tag along?" I asked nervously since I don't know if he'll say yes.

I played with my fingers while looking nervously at him, I'm quivering in fear and cold I tap my feet to ease myself but his silence isn't helping me right now.

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have company." He stated, I sigh in relief but I quickly tense up when he grabbed my arms to the carriage.

I look at our intertwined hands. He opens the door to the carriage to let me in.
We had a small talk on the way to Hogsmeade.

"I'll go find something to wear at the ball," I told him,
I swear I could see the hint of disappointment in his eyes but I just shrug it off. He told me to meet him at the pub, you first went to buy the outfit that you're gonna wear at the ball then you went to Honeydukes to buy some Sweets such as Chocolates, Feezing Whizzbees, and some chocolate Frogs.

"This should be it." You muttered to yourself, you're on your way to the Three Broomsticks when Caleb stops you. You look at him annoyed because he always does that.

"what?" you spat, he was about to say something when someone cleared their throat making the both of you look in their direction.

"Is he bothering you Miss L/n?" Snape asks you not to bother to acknowledge Caleb's presence. You blinked multiple times because your vision got blurry,

"Pro-professor" Calebs stutters struggling to find an excuse, you look at him shocked because you always see him Confident around you, but now he looks like he had seen a ghost.

"I'm not talking to you." He growled lowly at him, you notice Calebs' pale face, this confuses you more.
You're about to ask him but he grabs your hands and kisses the back of it then he walks away.

Severus bit the inside of his cheeks when he saw what Caleb did to you. A wave of possessiveness wash over him. He grabs the hand that Caleb kissed and he wipes it with a summoned tissue.

He drags you inside the pub you put the bags of the things you bought and you told him you're gonna go to the loo. Your head keeps pounding and your vision is getting blurry.

You splash water over your face to help yourself.
You look at yourself in the mirror staring at your eyes.
Something flash in your eyes but it quickly vanishes.

You walk out of the loo when you saw drinks being already on your table. You talk with Severus while drinking in this cozy pub.

You continue your talk while going back to the castle
It's nice to talk to him he seems comfortable with you
He didn't open up about himself instead he asks about you.

Sometimes answering his own questions about you.
Which have you fluttered but also weird out, because how can he know certain things about you.

Fluttered because he knows something about you
Or is it because he's just very observant.

But his certainess what intrigues you about.
He answered with such certainess like you're the one who told him his answers.

Nevertheless, you just shrugged it off like usual
Filling yourself with reasons.

But You notice something, something you didn't notice earlier.


𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 |Where stories live. Discover now