♧ 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 ♧

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No one knew what happened to you.

No one seems to notice...

Or maybe no one really notices you even before.

You were a shadow to everyone you're not noticeable, no purpose, just existing, not living.

When you found your happiness it was quickly taken away from you.

But who said that you cannot be grateful for this?

You thought you're not noticeable yet here you are.

Captured by someone who wants your attention you want to be noticed but not by a wrong person, it seems that the universe mistook your wish for this.

You wish to have someone notice you and be with you, although they did give you your wish but the universe gave you the wrong person.

Maybe it's your fault you didn't make it specific.

And now you're regretting what you wish for, what a life you have, someone hates you literally for just wanting to have a happy life.

Some peace is what you want and need, but why can't they give you it?

You wanted to laugh at yourself for being miserable.

You're alone and lonely, what a destructive combination, fucking life is being a bitch to you.

You ask why you. Why does it always have to be you?

when can you be just happy and peaceful, some fucking peace please, you muttered why looking at the ceiling.

You wanted to cry when you heard the three following knocks, you lazily dragged your body to the door, you didn't care what you look like now.

Severus stood their hands in his pockets, he grabs your wrist then drags you out of your room, you're too tired to argue with him.

He makes you sit in the chair by the fireplace, you look at him annoyed, you look at him going to the kitchen.

you shiver because you're getting deja vu, he comes back with a tray of food in his hands. He places it by the table in front of you, you look at it confused, then back at him.

He rolls his eyes at you.

"What?'' you spat, he took a chair and he placed it across yours, he carefully took the sandwich and he placed it close to your mouth.

You didn't make a move wanting to test his patience, Severus didn't like it when you're playing him.

"Eat." He said the irritation visible by his voice, you're taken aback by his response, you scoff and took the sandwich from his hands harshly.

Hesmirked when you took a bite from the food, the wrinkle on your forehead immediately fade out when you're assured that he didn't do something in the food.

"You know for a captor you're nice." You told him, you knew you hit a spot when you saw his face wince, for the first time you smirked.

That's the reaction you want to see, you want to remind him that he has captured you and you're not doing this for your own will.

You want him to know that you hated it here, he took a bite while watching how Severus got lost in his own thoughts.

You really emphasize the captor part seriously to make it more noticeable and markable for him to sink in his wise mind, you took a sip of the juice still not taking your eyes off him.

"Stop staring at your captive, sir " You sarcastically said, looking at him with an uninterested look, you look at your nails, finding it interesting then just have a staring contest with your captor, you just went from professor-to-captor real quick.

"Minnie got your tongue?" you bravely started pushing him off the edge, he wanted to strangle you, and no one is stopping him from doing so, he clenched his fists biting the inside of his cheeks.

You smiled innocently but he knew better, he knew you're aware of what you're doing to him.

You gasp when he grips your wrist hard, you try to let go of his hold but he's stronger than you.

"You're hurting me," You hardly palms his chest but before your hands make contact with his catch, he doesn't utter a single word, and he just shoves both of your hands, inhaling through his nose as he tries to restrain himself from hurting you.

He didn't want to hurt you physically, but you're making it hard for him to not hurt you.

He knew he looked pathetic breathing heavily in front of you, but he wants you to see that he's trying hard, hoping that you wouldn't provoke him again.

"Don't do it again, please " He pleaded, you heard a high-pitched sound when you heard him plead you snickered because you couldn't believe that he's capable of pleading, he holds both of your shoulders gently making you look at him.

"Please?" he begs now, Oh he's serious, you move his hands like it's some dirt that you're removing, you look into his onyx eyes.

You saw in his eyes that he didn't want to hurt you. That's mortifying because he already did, but he seems to forget that.

"Please?" You copied him mockingly, he looked defeated and almost got you, but you quickly stopped yourself. You didn't want to be soft now.

you crossed your legs then you took another sip of the juice, you clicked your tongue you didn't want to get back to your room right now, you're enjoying this.

Seeing him like this, when he got out of his thoughts he leaned back from his chair completely relaxed, you wanted a game well he's giving you it.

He wanted to drink right now, but maybe later, for now, he will accompany you.

You're like that for hours going back and forth with each other, you trying to hurt his feelings and him getting hurt deep down your words pained him but he knows that you're also hurting so he just ignored it.

You really ate him up with your words coming up with the best comeback when he talks.

Severus wanted to use Silencio every time you sass at him, he's really glad that he's in his well-controlled self and he didn't have alcohol.

You're more than enough to intoxicate him, he wanted to take away your pain but he's the one who gave you it.

"Talk to me." It's just a simple word, but that hurt you, you wanted to tell him everything, but you couldn't trust him now, not after what he did to you. You're afraid to trust him now, because you have a reason not to.

Your desire to tell him everything like you always did is not what you needed now, you wanted to know why.

Why did he do that?
Why did he have to do that?

But you just shrug it, you guess that you'll never know it.


𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 |Where stories live. Discover now