♧ 𝐑𝐮𝐝𝐞 ♧

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You tried to distance yourself from Snape.

Something is unsettling about him that you couldn't just point out, you decided now that you would listen to your guts now, lesson learned.

But you lived in the same house so it's impossible to stay away from him, but you liked that he's not stopping from trying to get to you.

He tried to have small talks every now and then, but you just sarcastically or rudely answered him, you see how he's affected by you, honestly, you couldn't get soft now.

Now that you know he's affected, but that doesn't mean you didn't get guilty every time you push him away, you still like him there's no denying in that, if you didn't like him, he's probably wounded right now.

He tried to slowly get to you little by little. He's glad that you can talk to him even if it was a rude response. He's used to it by now.

His response to the students proves that he didn't judge you because he knows he's worse than you, he now knows what his students felt when he talked to him like that.

And he has to admit that it hurts like a bitch, he wanted to respond back to your remarks but he didn't want a full-blown argument between the two of you, because he knows he wouldn't love that. You both fight like an old married couple.

Severus throws his head back when you clumsily knocks back the table that contains juice and books, he bit his tongue to stop himself from snapping at you, he wanted to scold you so bad but he didn't know how you'd take that.

"It's the 3rd time, y/n," he said. He waves his hand to clean up your mess, you turn to look at him and you narrow your eyes at him, he crosses his legs as he shakes his head while looking at you.

"I accept no responsibility, AND I will do it again." You sass at him, turning your back to him, you collect your books that you will read, you go back to your room slamming your door loudly.

Severus flinches at the sound and he goes back to reading the daily prophet to look for any signs of notice regarding your disappearance.

There's one time when you're on your period and you decide to annoy him, you sit down at the chair in front of him, with an annoyed huff you hug the pillow and just stare at the fireplace.

Severus gives you an odd look.

"Shut up." you snapped at him. Severus' eyes widened as he wondered if you were hearing voices, he swallowed, as he tried to clear his throat.

"I didn't say anythin-" Severus' mouth opens when you quickly stop him.

"You just did." you cross your arms in front of your chest, you stare your eyes out at the fireplace, Severus just stole some glances at you while reading a book, he shits uncomfortably at his chair.

In the end, you just wanted some chocolates and food, and the reason you're staring at the fireplace it's because you're planning on telling him.

Because it's hard to lower your ego, but for food, you're willing to do it.

He smiled as he pictures your red cheeks and how you are playing with your fingers as you ask him for chocolates, and how you couldn't look him in the eye as you thank him.

He Loves how You smiled for the first time when he gave you the chocolates. He wanted to hug you because you look so adorable in his eyes.

You're slowly changing.

Severus took notice of it, he's worried that you will fall into the darkness, he wanted to help you but you wouldn't let him.

You keep pushing him away,

He wanted to be there like before, but you didn't trust him, it saddens Severus but it's his fault. He broke your trust and is afraid that you're gonna hate him more if you found out the other thing he did to you.

He didn't want you to know that, but he knows it will soon be revealed and he doesn't know what he will do if that happens. He doesn't know how you will react.

He's sure once you find out you'll not forgive him.

"Stop it!" Severus finally had enough of you knocking juice into his books, it's one of the books that are important for him, and he didn't appreciate it being ruined because of your childish acts, Severus tried to stop himself but it's too late now.

"I told you I'm doing it again," you fight back, Severus stands up and slowly approaches you, glaring darkly, you take a step back when you realize your actions.

You stood straight, waiting for him with fake confidence, his intimidating face isn't helping right now.

"Stop, disobeying, lady" he growled at you, you scoff did he really think you'll listen to him? you chuckle while shaking your head.

Your eyes widen when he grips your jaw making you look into his eyes.

You harshly turn away so his hands will slip off your jaw, which it did. You massage your jaw while giving him a death glare, he just raised his eyebrows at you.

You walk slowly towards him, he anticipates your next move, watching you like a hawk.

You raise your hands to slap him but he blocks your arms not even blinking, you look into his grip then to his eyes.

Heclenches his jaw clearly angry at your attempt to hurt him, you feel like a ghost passing your back as the hairs in your body rise up.

"Let go!" you yelled, as you tried to let go of his tight hold, he caressed your cheeks with his other arm, closing his as his shoulder also rose up in sync as he inhaled, when he calmed down, he moved his face closer to yours.

"Yell at me again and I swear I'll make you scream instead." you feel your clit twitch, you hate to admit but you really want him to fuck you, you smirked, you bit your lower lip as you feel the sweats building up.

Severus glances at your lips then back into your eyes. You rub his neck sensually like you're stroking a cock, you lean close to his ears as you let out a breath in his ears.

"I don't know if I'll believe that," you whisper, you lick the outer part of his ears and then you bite it, Severus let go of your hands and he grabs your waist hard, you grab his clothes while still licking his ears.

Severus lost it when you palm his hard member he needed you and he's taking you right now.


𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 |Where stories live. Discover now