♧ 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 ♧

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"Let's go home," You mentioned. It's been so many hours since Severus' bring you. And the way you call his house home. Didn't escape Severus' ears. You consider it your home now.

"I suppose that we should go home." He repeated it. Loving the way it sounded when it comes to you. And you considering it your home just soften Severus' heart.

You both walk side by side. Severus' footsteps trailing behind you. And leaving traces on the sand. Indicating that people have been there. And will probably never comeback.

"What would you do after?..." You ask him. To be honest, he doesn't know what he would do when you left. Maybe continue being lonely. Or he'll just exist.

"I don't know..." He scratch the back of his neck. Very unlike him who is always confident with his answers. All of this is very unlike him. You open up a new side of Severus. That he didn't even knew existed.

"Just go on..." You advice. Easier said than do. How can he just go on when his life is you. How can he move on when you're his reason for living?

"Life goes on..." You sang-song. Which made Severus chuckle. He nods and just continue walking. As you went on rambling. He loved how you are so careless with your words sometime. It's quiet amusing for him when your mouth just have no filter.

"Seriously Severus, What would you do?" You interrogate. He stopped on his tracks to look down at you. Your eyes are narrowed at him. As you look at him through your lashes. "adorable" that's what he said on his mind.

"I don't know what would i do..." He mumbled. His voice going lower and slower. His back slouching. His lips are purse while he bite the inside of his cheeks.

"What do you mean?" You raise your voice semi higher than your normal speaking voice. You stop in front of him when he's about to continue walking leaving Severus with no choice but to stop aswell.

"Let's go home." His voice firmer than usual as he apparated back to his house. He didn't want to answer your question because he don't know what to answer. He's helpless.

You follow behind him. When you enter the house. Severus feel bad for ignoring you. So he stop to look at you.

"Sorry.." You put your hands up to stop him from his rambling. Severus just look at you before going upstairs to his room. Having his time alone. As his body hit the bed. He went out like a light. Falling into a confusing dream.


Severus saw something glowing. Due to his curiosity, he followed the glowing light. His senses on high alert. He didn't know why. But he felt defensive.

He saw the light. In front of his face. The mesmerizing swirl of it. He touch it. The light dance around his fingers. He felt the positivity around it.

The swaying light just comes for his eyes. Before Severus even close his eyes the light already enter him. He never felt so confuse in his life.

"You should probably cut your hair shir." Severus wince as he saw both of you. eyelids almost closing. Both your faces are red. It was when you get drunk together.

"Nooo, I'm not gonna cut my head." He cringed at his voice. He can't believe that you both manage to get that drunk. He almost melted when you cupped his cheeks. His lips are pouted as you squeeze it.

"Why you gonna cut your hat?" He manage to let out a laugh despite the heaviness in his heart. You moved his head side-to-side. Squeezing his cheeks every move.

You hiccuped and then you put your head on his shoulder. Severus felt like his throat went dry when another memory flash.

It was when you help him. Grading the papers as you and him talk about your lives. You felt like a diary to him. He can comfortably talk about his life to you. How you just made him feel so easy.

You are a breath of fresh air. The sunshine in his morning. His comfort. The way you converse with him like a normal person. Not just the Potions Master but As Severus.

He can see the way you really listen to him. You took in every words. Listening intently. In some ways you relate to him. And he can see that. You never judge him. Instead you listen to him.

You listening to him is more than enough for Severus to feel appreciated. To feel Loved. Even if it was just in his imaginations. That's how he feel. That's how you made him feel.

Another memory flash. It was at the Christmas ball. When you walked in. He can help but smirk when your eyes quickly search the crowd. But stop when Mr. Smith pulled you.

He feels a little annoyed when he saw Mr. Smith. But he just shrug it and he focus at you. Memorizing every details of your face.

He feels the light fading. Severus search for it. His heart aching for some unkown reasons. He feels his body tensed when a familiar voice called him.

"Severus" Your gentle voice called out for him. He sighs when he caught a sight of you. You look happy. And it made him calm. Knowing your peaceful.

"Y/n.." He said your name like he's asking a question.

"Set me free Severus." He hears a high pitch tone in his ears as you spoke those words. How can he say no to you? When he can clearly see how happy you are.

He kiss your forehead. Closing his eyes for a moment. Just to enjoy being in your presence.

"I will.." He whispered in your ears. And just like that. He jolted awake. His breathing heavily. As the overwhelm feeling left his body.

He look at the window. And at the exact moment he saw a black butterfly fyling freely towards the moon.


𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 |Where stories live. Discover now