♧ 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭 ♧

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You and Severus grew closer throughout the tutoring lessons, you can almost call yourself his friend but it's better to hear it from him. you talk a lot this year.

You open up about your struggles and as weird as it may sound you even open up to him about your near-death experience.

Although Severus found it scary he also found it funny, to be honest.

The way he hides his face says it all. About the experience being questioned, it's a story for another time.

You trust Severus enough to tell him about your childhood, how you are treated as a child, about how your parents never treated you as their child.

In fact, they never treated you as a person, you trust him that even the hardest topic in your life you managed to tell him. It feels good to have someone to talk about because growing up you have no one but yourself.

It's enough for you but it also feels good to rely on someone sometimes. To have someone listen to you as you rant about how you despise someone.

Overall it's nice to have Someone.

Especially if it's someone you wanted to be with, Severus surprisingly listens to you. He let you, supporting you. He lets you know that he's there for you.

He gives you bits of advice on how to deal with them as he himself also went to hard and dark times, Severus is braver than you thought he is.

He went through so much he thought didn't tell you but you know there's more of him that you didn't know.

You and he became each other's shoulder, Severus for once felt appreciated, you made him feel it and he can't help but want to keep you all to himself.

Severus is warming up to you, doing something he had never done before with anyone, he went crazy with you. Getting drunk in his classroom in the possibility that someone will witness you both getting drunk.


Severus is waiting for you in his classroom looking at his unmarked papers, begging him to be marked but Severus is not in the mood to grade at this moment.

"Miss me?" You told him, your hand leaning on his shelf while the other is on your waist, you slowly walk to your seat while looking at him.

"As if." Severus rolled his eyes at you, you fake a gasp hands on your chest. You narrowed your eyes at him, you stuck your tongue out then you sat down.

"I'm not in the mood to deal with you right now." You look at him with wide eyes, that hurts he didn't want you right now, Severus looks at you with a did-i-say-that-out-loud look, you nod at him he gave you an apologetic eye.

"I mean I don't want to do anything tonight." He leaned back to his seat, you took your chair and placed it in front of him, you quietly sat down and you placed your chin in your hands.

"Let's not do anything together then." You purse your lips while waiting for his answer, he grabs a glass then drinks the liquor that's in it.

You grab your wand in your pocket. Severus looks at you curiously while drinking, you summon another glass, he raises his eyebrows at you. You gave him a tight-lipped smile as you waved the glass in front of his face.

You grab the bottle of Balkan 176 Vodka then pours yourself a drink. you raise your glass for him, he clicks his glass with you.

Then when you sip the drink it burns but you don't show any wincing or make a disgusted face, it's smooth in the mouth you like that, Severus raises both of his eyebrows when he sees how you react to the drink.

You gave him a smirk, you poured yourself and Severus another drink. You wink at him and He blinks his eyes at you.

You and him move to his personal living room, the orange hue radiating the room. You and Severus talk nonsense while drinking the strong liquor.

You shakily pour another drink into your glasses Severus laughs at your shaking hands as you pour his glass a drink. you softly hit him on his shoulder and laugh with him.

After a few shots, both of you are hammered because of the drink. You're standing while telling Severus a story although Severus cannot understand what you're saying he laughs with you.

You sit beside him still laughing, you put your head on his shoulder, your eyes slowly closing. Severus is staring at the fireplace while drunkenly smiling at it.

He tilted his head then he smiled, he kissed your head and he let his lips linger longer on your head as he breathed your shampoo, you slowly removed your head on his shoulder to look at him.

"You should probably cut your hair shir." you deadpan, you're so drunk that you're slurring your words already, Severus let out an amused laugh.

"Nooo, I'm not gonna cut my head." He told you, you hiccup then you cupped his cheeks with both hands you squeeze it tight that his lips are pouted.

"Why you gonna cut your hat?" You ask him while moving his head side-to-side, you hiccup again and you stop moving his head. He pouted his lips when you removed your hands.

You rest your head on his shoulder again, Both of you continue talking whatever you both think that night, luckily it's the weekend the other day if not you're both will be in trouble.

Severus woke up to find his hair in pigtails and you sleeping like a rock in his lap, both of you suffered a hangover and both of you are embarrassed because you didn't remember what happened that night.

End of Flashback

Severus smiled as he remembered how you couldn't look him in the eye after that night, he looked at you from a long-distance as he prayed that his plans would work to the Gods.


Buckle up you guys. I LOVE YOU ALL!

𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 |Where stories live. Discover now