♧ 𝐇𝐨𝐰? ♧

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TW: Almost Drowning

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TW: Almost Drowning


You woke up with a puffy nose and red eyes, you saw books, foods, and clothes for you, you went to the bathroom to find it surprisingly clean.

The marbled tiles and the black curtains greet you, you splash water on your face, you look into your eyes in the mirror, it's filled with hatred and tiredness, you caress your cheeks in the mirror, you want to pity yourself but it's no use.

Your once bright eyes that shine, are now a blown out candle in the darkness, in just one day.

Yesterday you're radiating happiness.

Now it's the opposite.

Crazy how things can change so fast.

you couldn't believe that you could despise someone this much and this fast. Of course, your feelings for him are not completely gone but it's fading already.

Could you still like him after what he had done to you, who in their right mind would like their captor, no one, you want to get out of this place, apparation is the only thing you could think, but you didn't know if it would work, but nothing would happen if you didn't try anything.

You take a deep breath picturing your room, you close your eyes to concentrate more, your heartbeat furiously when you feel the familiar sensation.

Just When you're about to disapparate a sudden force hit you, like a jolt of electricity, the pain through your nerves, your knees weaken, you grab the sink to help you balance.

"Fuck!" you curse out as you feel the pain of the force that hits you, you wince in pain regretting your decision in doing what you just did.

You Have no choice but to just accept, for now, the pain is too much for you, once you calm down you limp to the bathtub to relax your muscles.

You sigh once you feel the lukewarm water soothe your muscles, you glide the soap all over your body, massaging the tense muscles you feel at peace you just want to stay in this moment you want to forget how Severus betrayed your trust.

As soon as you close your eyes and the memories come flooding towards you, you reminisce about the moments you have with Severus.

You remembered how happy you were in those moments, you wish that you could go back and warn yourself but you also remember Caleb he did warn you before also the questions and doubts that are in your mind.

How can you be so fucking stupid, Caleb and your own gut warn you but you chose to trust him.

Look at you now, wishing that if you just listen to Caleb and yourself you wouldn't be right here now, in his own house you assume.

you didn't even think that he owns a house you thought that he lived in the school because you didn't see him leave the castle except for Summer.

You're so lost in your thoughts that your head is underwater you just notice it when you feel the air left your lungs, you immediately rose your head up you breathe fast and heavily in desperate for air, you hold the side of the tub for dear life, you let out a surprised laugh

You laugh not because of how you look pathetic but because you don't want to die.

In your years of existence you always said that you would gladly greet death as an old friend but how you reacted when you nearly drowned shows that you're not ready for that.

You laugh like a maniac while wiping the tears that have fallen in your cheeks.

You decided to get out of the tub because you now look like a wet walnut, you grab the clothes that Severus pick for you, it's a sweatshirt and sweatpants you loved that it's comfortable.

You decided to read what book he had picked out for you while munching the chocolate waffles that he prepared for you, for a captive you're more spoiled than a child.

Severus opens the door to your room to find your book in your hands sitting on the sofa by the other window, eating like a child. He smiled. He worried that you're not doing well but you seem to settle in well.

Severus wanted to be the one that is reading to you while you snuggled in his chest listening to him.

But seeing you smiling is more than enough for him, for now, he closed the door to your room with a content smile on his lips.

You look at the door you know Severus saw you but you're not ready to see him, not yet you don't want to be reminded by his betrayal.

You don't think you will be able to look at him the same way as you did before, there are so many changes it's overwhelming you.

You wondered what would happen next.

Will you be able to forgive him?

Maybe not. What will he do now?

will he let you go eventually he's too unpredictable you couldn't guess what he would do next.

You Tried to put yourself in his choice but you couldn't think what his motive was.

Why is it you?

you told him that you wouldn't stop till you make him yours, but look how the universe works now he has you literally.

You tried to get back to reading but the words don't make sense anymore, you groaned, you tossed the book, you looked out the window.

You wished you were the bird that you just saw you. flying free and not caring about the world, what did you do to deserve this life?

Did God really want you to learn this much so he put you here instead of you just relaxing in your house alone and just worried about what job you would get after school.

but now you're here worrying about how you could get out of this place. you didn't deserve this.

you wanted Severus to explain himself but he's not giving you that, there's something in you that wanted to forgive him but he's not giving you a reason to forgive him,

So How can you forgive him?


Why do you have to be so difficult Sevy

𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 |Where stories live. Discover now