♧ 𝐒𝐮𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐧 ♧

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After the Christmas ball incident, You haven't ever encountered Caleb since that day. You Celebrated Christmas here at Hogwarts along with the other students and teachers who stayed at the castle.

You notice Caleb is keeping his distance away from you, when you look at him he quickly looks away from you. When you're walking and you encounter him he always walks away from you or walks in a direction you're not going.

You notice how you're not the only one who is constantly looking at Severus, also Caleb but yours is a more admiring Stare, he is more careful or afraid.

Maybe because of what happened at the Christmas Ball, speaking of Christmas Ball you couldn't help but think what did Severus told Caleb that seems to Freak the Fuck out of him.

You wanted to ask Severus about it, but you notice him closing himself to you this past few weeks.

He always seems thinking of something, he always stares somewhere and zoning out. you also notice him looking at you with narrowed eyes, he looks at you like he's calculating your whole self.

But his closing off didn't last long when you ask him for "Tutor" Seriously you feel dumb when you ask him, it's clear that you're not bad at potions but nothing bad will happen if you ask, right?

But to your surprise, he said yes, He said YES that feels the equivalent to "I do" but in your own way.
You walked happily across the dungeon when you notice something in the dark, you slightly close your eyes to see better you quickly figured out the silhouettes.

It's a Tall silhouette and a small one. It looks like a teacher and a student, you lumber towards them when you hear a voice you can't forget, his deep voice is so threatening that you feel the vibration down your spine.

"I'm warning you, Mr. Smith" He spat Caleb's last name with a disgusted tone, you saw him gripping Caleb's Collar, he nodded eagerly at the professor Snape let go of his collar and The trembling boy quickly went back to his dorm.

You hide in the corner when Severus' head snaps in your direction, you're fast enough that you know he didn't see you, you tried to calm down your shaky breathing, you let out a sigh when Severus went back to his classroom.

You compose yourself, though there are so many questions that are running wild in your thoughts. You still manage to grab ahold of yourself, you can feel your heart beating rapidly against your ribcage.

Before you could touch the doorknob to his classroom it opens, your look at Severus' agitated face but it quickly softens when he saw your warm smile.

"Miss L/n." He nods at you, you want to squeal so bad because he greeted you first, usually, it's you who always greeted him. He lets you in his classroom.

He thought you could make Amortentia of course you know what Amortentia is. But for some reason you're scared to make it, you wonder if you would smell Severus when you finished making it.

But isn't it forbidden to make at Hogwarts, but he's Snape what do you expect. You started making it Severus is grading papers like Always, Severus stole a glance at you he looks at you while waiting patiently for the glacial ice to melt in a low flame

Your lips pouted while thinking about something, he knows you're thinking of something serious by your face, your constantly rubbing your face, chewing your lips.

You notice the ice melting. You add a bean's pulp to the ice every four and a half minutes, once all the beans are added you ask Snape to look at your potion.

He stands close to you while examining the potion
you hear a hum of approval from him, he covers the cauldron to let it sit for 24 hours, after he covered the potion he turns to face you.

You both didn't say anything, you just stared at each other he grabs your arms grazing his thumb over it not taking his eyes off you, but he pulls his arm away.

Your breath getting heavier, he's staring at your lips so you decided to bite it while looking into his eyes, he cursed under his breath you lean forward to him.

"Let me help you, professor." You say in a low breathy voice, he tensed up at your words he shifts his weight on his feet while swallowing still looking into your eyes.

You grab his arm to slowly guide him to his seat, when he sits down you trap him in his seat, his chair is facing the shelves in his classroom, so his table is behind him.
You lean till your faces are just inches apart, you look at him with a smirk.

He swallowed hard while looking into your eyes, you lean more closely to him your lips are just a centimeter apart.
You're so close to each other that you could feel his breath fanning your face, you let your hands rub his chest. you let your hands go to his neck.

You laugh at his shocked face when you make your next move, he thinks you're going to wrap your arms around him that he grabs your waist.

Instead, you grab the papers that he's grading, then you stand in front of him while laughing, his face is red with embarrassment and he gave you a harsh look.

" With this professor, Let me help you with these papers."
You beamed at him while holding the papers in front of his face. He avoided eye contact with you at all cost, he stared at the door, he stared at anything but not you, you kissed his cheeks and went to your seat to start grading.

Severus breathes in relief when the hotness he feels all over his body leaves him, he adjusts his seat to face you, he touches the part of his face that you kiss.

He smiled then proceeded to grade the remaining papers, you spend the rest of this "Tutor" in comfortable silence. Severus accompanies you back to your dorm, having a small talk while walking side-by-side, you bid each other good night, you saved the image of Severus smiling at you.

When you reached your bed you went out like a light.
Falling into a peaceful and calming slumber.


What do you think will happen?

𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 |Where stories live. Discover now