♧ 𝐃𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 ♧

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Severus couldn't stop himself from crying his heart out. Just a small and limited time with you. He didn't know what he would do after the time that he ask. He couldn't let you go that easily- but he have to.

For you, he would do anything he can just for your sake. You're too precious for him and you're all he could ask for. But you're not His but he's yours. He will always be yours no matter what happens.

You're the missing piece that he needs. But the piece he couldn't have- the piece that he tried so hard to put but it wouldn't fit. So instead of finding the piece that fits. He cuts and reshapes it till it's the perfect piece.

He's so desperate for Love, that he created it himself. But he removed it when he captures you so why are you so affected?

Did you have feelings for him too? even before he would notice you staring at him. And when he would notice you, you always went red. At first, he just shrugged it but he would constantly catch you. Maybe, he thought if he just waited.

It's too late for him to just realize this now. There are so many things that he missed. And he has no choice but to blame himself for being so ignorant. One more realization and he will lose his shit.


He drags his tired body out of the bed. He almost didn't want to get up but he wants to spend all his time with you as much as he can. Because he knew this is temporary. He has no intention to think about the remaining days that he had much to spend with you.

He let out a deep breath before going downstairs. He was greeted by you. That's odd usually he's the one who wakes up first but he gives you a hopeful smile. And in return, you gave him a nod.

That's a start for him. At least you acknowledge his presence. He made breakfast for both of you. And you didn't even move the plate. The silence painfully consuming the room.

"So..." He cleared his throat, you look at him. Surely thinking or questioning him in your mind. He didn't know what to do.

"How are you?..." What a stupid question, he thought. He wants to rewind time to take back what he said. You chuckled.

"Seriously?..." You mocked. Severus just shrug and he went to the living room to read. You follow him. He ignored you. He picks out a book from the shelves. He flops himself on the sofa getting comfortable.

"Come here..." He pats the space beside him. Your eyes widen like a shocked goat. He chuckled patting the space eagerly. You just went for his request and you sat beside him. You gasp when he wraps his arms around your middle.

His body giving you warmth. He lay down and he open the book that is in his hands. You look around the room. But your focus is on his deep voice that is reading every word with clarity.

The way he reads. He's like a father reading his child to sleep. He wondered if he'll ever read to his child. He wishes to read to his future child one day. But that seems impossible for the situation right now.

As you're drawn by his voice. He didn't even feel you sleeping in his arms. He continues reading. He discovered that you're asleep when he ask you about that book but you didn't answer.

He took a peek at you. And his heart melted when you sound asleep in his arms. He close the book and put it safely on the table without waking you up. If people saw this they would probably freak out.

He hugs your soft and fluffy body. Closing his eyes at the thought that you would soon leave him. That you would soon forget him. That he would not hold you anymore.

He's scared. For you. He didn't know what would happen to you. He wants to be there for you. But he couldn't. He made a promise. That he will let you go.

He was so consumed by his thought that he didn't notice the tear that drop from his eyes. He knew that he would be alright. But he didn't know-how.

Instead of drowning himself with his thoughts. He continues reading until his eyelids close themselves. Falling asleep with you in his arms.


𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 |Where stories live. Discover now