♧ 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 ♧

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You woke up feeling sore.

Your legs and back hurt like hell, you curse Severus, speaking of him he's not here.

Not that you expect him to stay with you. You feel disappointed in yourself, you just gave yourself that easily, but you're glad that it's him but you didn't like the after feeling.

You painfully try to stand up Keyword try, you hissed in pain as your legs almost gave up in standing, you rolled your eyes, biting your still swollen lips, you limp towards the bathroom. "What now?" you ask yourself.

You didn't know how to act after the two just had sex.

should you act as if nothing happened?

or would everything change?

You went red as you saw the marks all over your body in the mirror.

You painfully limp to your room, careful not to make any noise. You didn't want Severus to know that you're awake, you didn't know what to do now.

"Y/n!" Severus' panic is clearly visible in his voice, you froze in place, your mind going blank, you're about to pretend to sleep but Severus is already in your room, his eyes scan the room, he relaxes when he sees you.

"Relax, I have nowhere to go geez." you calm him down, although you're right Severus didn't like your words, he smirked when his eyes landed on your marked neck.

You were baffled for a moment but when you realized it, you tried to cover your neck.

"What are you doing here?" You quickly asked to cover your embarrassment. Severus smirked at you.

"Breakfast is served." He announces still staring at your neck, you quickly nod your head, he looks deeply into your eyes before letting you get ready.

that went well then I thought. You nod encouragingly, you shiver at the flashback of last night's event, you can hear his grunts and moans, you close your thighs together as you feel the wetness building.

Severus smiled as he made you a nice breakfast. He wanted to treat you for being a good girl for him, he set the table when you went down not looking into his eyes, he let out a breathy chuckle before going to his seat.

You both ate in silence, you're too ashamed to look at him, but Severus kept his eyes on you watching your every move, you shift in your seat as you feel his gaze.

It's so weird that you like how his eyes are only for you.

"I see that I did a good job in making your mouth shut." He is deadpan, you coughed trying to force your food down your throat, you grab the water desperately trying to force the food down.

Severus watches in amusement as he remembers how you choke last night.

"Really?" you tried to not make yourself like a fool, Severus swallowed his food, he raised his eyebrows at you, "shit," you thought as you looked into his eyes.

"Do you want me to teach you again?" He asks casually, you want the ground to eat you right at this very moment.

"Do you think I'd let you?" you casually answer as you eat your food, Severus is enjoying himself too much now.

"Well you just did" he points out, you damp the outer side of your lips as you lean back to your seat. you tie your hair into a ponytail, Severus eyes glancing at your neck.

"I'm pretty sure that I didn't say anything." You commented, while twirling your hair in your fingers you watched as his lips pursed slightly.

"That's not what your moans said last night," he mentioned, you just stare at him too fucking shy to even blurt out a word.

"You're just pretty, but not sure of everything." He remarked you felt something fluttering in your stomach when he said those words.

That was fucking smooth you have to admit, Severus lips lift for a millisecond proud of himself for shutting your mouth.

"Well I am, that's one of the reasons that I'm here right?" you clapped back, it's Severus' turn now to freeze knowing your right, your beauty is just a bonus for him, that's not one of his reasons that he likes you.

He didn't know how to reply to that so he just kept his mouth shut, he didn't wanna ruin the moment, now that you're talking to him he didn't wanna mess this up.

You decided to help him clean the dishes since you have nothing to do, it was actually nice to help him do the things around this house sometimes, you and he decided to read in the living room.

Severus is wearing reading glasses, he told you that he uses them sometimes when he really needs them. you just nod at him before getting lost in your own fantasy while reading the book.

You and he are just chilling in your own worlds, for once you feel peaceful, maybe there's a chance that you will forgive him. "just a little more Severus." you thought as you stare at him just peacefully reading his book.

You let yourself smile for real, maybe this isn't so bad, you shook away those thoughts. It's bad for you to think like that, you watch as the flames dance with each other. the harmony they create is pleasing to the ear.

You imagine you and Severus dancing together like the flames. Dancing together. lost in each other's eyes as you let your bodies follow the rhythm of the music.
As you dance for each other and completely forget the cruel world.

You were so focused on your daydream that you didn't notice yourself drifting to sleep. Severus saw your book falling from your hands.

He closes his book, he picks up your books, placing them back on the shelves, he admires your face for a moment before picking you up in a bridal style.

He places you in your bed, he places the sheets on your body to give you the warmth that you need, he wants to be your blanket but he doesn't want you to think otherwise, for now, a blanket will do.

"Goodnight Y/n." He kisses your forehead, he puts a good dream in your mind to let you have a good sleep.


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