♧ 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 ♧

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You wake up with a comforting feeling, a feeling that you miss, it's been so long since you feel this peaceful.

You snuggle in your sheets, breathing the calming air that surrounds your room, you smile as you remember how Severus carried you to your room.

You sigh in contentment, you wish that if time could stop you would gladly stay at this very moment, but you didn't let yourself enjoy this so much.

It always ends up so bad if you enjoy yourself, sometimes you wonder if the world doesn't want you to be happy.

Because when you finally experience it, it will always be taken away from you.

"Why do I have to be like this?" you question yourself, pitying yourself will do nothing good to you.

And besides, the morning is too nice to be ruined by your sour mood, you convince yourself. This is what you always do to avoid your problem instead of facing it.

You know you're not prepared for it, but who faces a problem prepared? no one, you're just afraid and you didn't trust yourself enough to get through it.

Nevertheless, you smiled through the pain, you pat yourself on the back, you decided to go on with your morning routine.

You went out of your room, quietly going downstairs. You saw Severus cooking something, you walked towards the kitchen, When he noticed your presence he looked at you. Surprise to see you smiling at him.

His heart beats loudly, he gives you a small smile and set the table.

"How's your sleep." he softly asks you, not taking his eyes off the pan, you swallow the juice before answering him.

"It was great," you answered light-heartedly, Severus can feel his stomach doing a flip as you look at him with your kind eyes.

"You?" you ask him, Severus seems flustered, he looks at you pointing at himself, you chuckled then you nodded at him.

"O-oh, it was great." he nodded, not looking into your eyes, you like seeing him like this, in the comfort of his own home, he can just be himself here, it's pleasing to see him so comfortable and relaxed.

You're cut off in your own daydream when he clears his throat, you raise your eyebrows realizing that you're gawking at him for a few minutes now, you help him to hide your embarrassment.

You and him eat in a comfortable silence, both of your presence is enough for each other, you admire as he chews his food, nodding at his own cooking, he's so talented in so many things.

You're in love with him. You stop eating completely, pausing as if the time had frozen, you're in love with him. you wanted to laugh at your own hypocrisy, you remember how you said that who in their right mind would love their captor.

But look at you now, just admitting that you love him, Severus looks at you weirdly, your spoon is close to your mouth and you're just staring at the table, he thought you broke.

"I'm going outside," he announces, you recover quickly, you look at him hopefully.

"Can I come?" you tried, but he immediately dismissed you quickly..

"No." He harshly disagrees, you fiddle with your fingers, he exhaled worriedly, he didn't want to have another argument with you now.

"You can't go out of this place." he softly convinces you.

"But why?" you ask, you're so confused why do you have to stay in this place.

"You can't leave me," he muttered under his breath, but you catch that, your breath hitches as you tried to think of his words again.

"Who says that I'm leaving you?" you move your seat closer to his, you look at his face full of doubt and worry.

"They always leave me." He spoke, you feel the pang in your heart as you feel the pain in his voice.

"That's why I'm keeping the matters in my hands." He looks up into your eyes, he caresses your cheeks.

"I'm not gonna let you be one of them." You know that this isn't right but you don't feel scared when you're supposed to be scared.

"I'm not one of them." you assured him, Severus believes in your words, you're sincere, and he knows you're not one of them because you're you.

He went in for a hug, which you return, his body warmth immediately passes to yours, you rest your head into his chest, listening to his and your heart beating in sync, You feel at peace in his arms, you could stay here forever and never get bored.

You and him found each other, you completed each other, both of you may not say it verbally but you love each other.

You look up resting your chin in his chest, he looks down at you. Once again you got lost in each other's eyes.

He leans down to catch your lips in a sweet and passionate kiss, He brought you to his own world in just a kiss.

A kiss that is Perfect for the two of you.


I hope you like this<3 thankyou for 2kreads!!!

𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 |Where stories live. Discover now