♧ 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 ♧

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Severus didn't feel any guilt in his body for what he did to you.

It's hard for him to let Lily go, but seeing and observing you he knew he had to have you.

He learned that he held too tightly to his past so he learned little by little on how to let go of them, and you help him more than you know.

He smirked while wiggling the flask in his hands, he believes that he's doing this for your safety. He stopped when he remembered something.

Severus remembered how he managed to show Caleb his Territorial Behavior when he threatened him to reveal his darkest secret to the whole school.

He smiled as he remembered seeing his Pale face and trembling body.

He didn't want you to be in danger so he keep you safe, your safety is what matters to him.


Severus patiently waits at the empty corridor that Caleb always seems to walk into, he taps his foot as he leans to the wall arms crossed with each other, he uncrosses it immediately when he hears a familiar voice reading loudly.

He takes a peek to make sure that it's the boy, he walks towards him quietly, he grabs the back of his collar and he takes him to the dark area.

"Professor-" The boy's face cringes because of Severus. He shoves him hard to the wall that he hears his back painfully meet the wall, the boy let out a pained groan.

Severus turns his head side-to-side to make sure no one sees him, he grabs the boy's collar, he looks at his professor.

His breathing quicken as Severus tightens his grip on his collar, Caleb's sweating hands gripping Severus' arms. The professor shoves it with harshness.

"Stay away from Miss L/n," Severus warned the boy, his voice filled with venom as he spat his words in his face, the grip in his collar tightened more when he saw how the boy smirked, he pushed him harder to the wall.

"I don't want to, sir." He mockingly calls him, although the boy is scared by the most intimidating professor in the school he tried to mask it.

"Really?" Severus raises his eyebrows at Caleb. He gripped his jaw hard with his hand, Severus' chest rose up as he breathed heavily, the anger inside him wanted to be freed, the boy just gave him a fake mocking smirk.

He tilted his head at the boy, killing him with his glare. The boy gave him a fake sweet smile.

Severus smirked at the boy, he almost wanted to laugh at the boy for his pathetic attempt at taunting him, he clicked his tongue.

"If.. you don't stay away from her I'll reveal what you did to your ex-partner." Severus threatens him, he speaks slowly to make sure the boy absorbs his words like a sponge, he watches with amusement how the boy's mocking smile drops.

Sweats building in his forehead, his face turning pale, and his sweaty hands that are holding Severus' arms tremble, Severus took a moment to watch his face before letting go of the boy.

Caleb thinks that his Professor will just leave him, but he thinks wrong, Severus smiles mockingly at him, he fixes the boy's collar. The boy shoves his hands shakily and he flies off the professor.

Severus wore a proud smirk as he stared at the running boy, he laughed quietly as he walked to the great hall, he just had to wait and see. If the boy didn't leave you alone, he has to keep you away from him away from danger.

End of Flashback

Severus always reminded himself to wait, to wait for the perfect timing for everything he had planned for you, that's what he did, he waited to have the perfect opportunity. He tries to gain your trust by getting close to you, not just by looking at you, and he manages to do it.

He recalls how you used his own words against him without knowing it, after what he did to you months ago, Severus wanted to evaporate at that moment.


Severus is looking at the flask in his hands, while he picture your face in his mind, "Soon" he thought as he looks at the light that is inside the flask, he kisses the flask closing his eyes as he did it, he places it back to its secured place.

You entered his classroom smiling brightly at him, Severus wanted to smile but he refrains himself from doing so, he just stared at you while drinking his vodka.

"Stop pestering me, you silly girl." he hissed angrily at you, you smirked at him wickedly while leaning closer to him. Oh, how he wanted to take you there but he had to pretend to not take an interest in you.

"I'm not gonna stop, Till I Make you Mine." You answered slowly, you looked deeply in his eyes. Your faces centimeters apart, you kiss his cheeks then leave as if nothing happens. Leaving a frozen Severus behind.

He froze when he heard your words.

he remembered how he said it when he cast his spell on you, he gripped his glass tightly, his own words are haunting him.

his guilt was completely forgotten when he remembered how your lips feel against his own skin.

"We'll see about that, Miss L/n." Severus' lips lift into a small smirk while looking at the spot you stood. He takes a sip of his vodka, he stares at his glass with a proud smirk.

He knows that no one is stopping you from making Severus yours because he already is yours, He wants to see how you can make him "Yours" when he already is. And now

You're his....

End of Flashback

Severus remembered he remembered it all, but you didn't and he didn't know what to do if you found out what he did to you, you would probably leave him when you found out.

But he wouldn't let you, he had come this far and no one is taking you away from him, Not even that Boy, he had planned this a long time ago, he calculated precisely, he made it perfect too perfect that he's sure even Dumbledore couldn't solve it.

And gaining your trust made a huge impact, you opened up to him and he used it, he knew you didn't have a family or friends he made sure of it, he knew no one would look for you and no one would suspect him.

He took a sip of his vodka celebrating his sweet victory, now you're his and he didn't stop Till he made you his. He approaches your sleeping form in his bed, he removes the strand of hair that is falling in your face.

"No one is taking you away from me." He muttered in your ears, he kissed your lips then your forehead, he took a last glance at you, and then he locked the door.


𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 |Where stories live. Discover now