♧ 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ♧

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TW: Man grabbing woman, Man trying to get a woman drunk.

If you don't like that just please skip this chapter<3

If you don't like that just please skip this chapter<3

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I stared at my reflection while doing my makeup.
It's the Christmas ball and As much as i don't want to wear makeup i have to.

To look presentable i have to go to the ball without a partner or not.
Not that I don't need a Partner.

To my dismay Severus didn't ask me to be his partner.

Who am i kidding?

Teachers aren't allowed to take a student to the ball. It's obvious that he's not gonna ask you. Even if it's allowed or not.

Speaking of Severus, I noticed after Hogsmade he seems to be always staring at me, it got me flustered because but i'm also confused and it always makes me think.
His Certainess about answering his own question that he ask you. you asked yourself How?

Not just his certainess but Also how Caleb reacted to him.He seems freaked out by Snape you remember his pale face.You also notice him shaking when Severus is there you're sure it's not because of the cold, because you can see bullet of sweats that is forming in his forehead.And how he quickly leaves you alone with Severus.

What confused you more is his question.
"Is he bothering you Miss L/n?" Why would Severus think that Caleb is bothering you?
Sure he must've noticed Caleb with you but why would he ask if Caleb is bothering you.

"Fuck!" You cursed,you quickly summoned a wipe and you wiped your messy eyeliner you accidentally poke your eyes because of you zoning out.
You mentally cursed at yourself for constantly zoning out now you have to re-do your eyeliner.

You hummed a song to relax your shaking hands so you don't Accidentally poke your eyes again.
After trying for a couple of times you successfully put on your eyeliner.

You did a small dance for victory but you mentally face-palmed yourself when you Clumsily stabbed your toe at the door.

You let out a cry of pain for a moment but you laugh lightly at yourself, if another person saw you laughing while crying they would probably think you're out of your mind.

You slipped in,In your (preferred color)high-waisted pants and a crop-top tank top And a blazer.

you know it's not a dress but there's no rule that you couldn't wear something like that for the ball.
But you'd rather be comfortable in what you wear than be in those uncomfortable dress.
You have your hair super sleek and you put on an earring.
You put on (preferred color) heels that are comfortable for you.

You went to the well decorated great hall.They really went all out for the decoration.

There's Big trees that are covered in snow and the hall radiates the mixture of white and blue.There's also snow falling but it doesn't reach the ground.
You walk like a Badass bitch (as you should)
Everyone stares at you whispering while the others are gawking at you.

You heard the whisperings such as "what is she wearing?" you want to answer them with "Clothes obviously" but you decide against it. You quickly scan the crowd when everyone goes about their own business.

You saw Severus your eyes quickly lit up,He's wearing his usual clothes but without his cape.
He looks Really good like always but there's something on his look right now that you couldn't take your eyes off him.


Severus saw you walk in your head held up high you're not wearing a dress which he admired
He saw people whispering to their friends he look at Dumbledore to make sure you didn't get in trouble
He saw him smiling, then he continued to talk to his fellow teacher.

He looked back at you silently admiring you,You're both lost in each other's eyes for a moment.
As if everyone just disappear it's just you and him.
Just when you're about to approach him Caleb grabs your arm and lead you to his group of friends.

He offered you a drink and Severus saw how you really smell the drink and you narrowed your eyes at it,Caleb laughed at you but you just remained poker face which made Severus smile. Caleb grabbed your drink and took a sip of it.

You look intensely at Adam's apple when you make sure that it's not poisoned. You gladly took a sip of it.

'Clever girl' Severus thought. You knew how to take care of yourself.

Severus took a close eye at you while conversing with his colleague and he noticed you were slightly tipsy.
He tensed when the song changed into a more upbeat and easy to dance but kinda sexy song.
He bit the inside of his cheeks when he saw you Dance with Caleb you're face-to-face but you keep your distance.

Severus relaxes and quickly listens to Minerva ranting about the Weasley twins.
He wanted to roll his eyes so bad but he just talked to Minerva about his Slytherins, of course praising his Slytherins.

He also downed a few glass of whiskey but he didn't feel any tipsy because it's his Everyday routine so it's just water for him.


You danced with Caleb for once you're having fun with him but you still keep your guard up.

You don't let yourself get drunk when you feel tipsy and Caleb is still offering you drinks non-stop. You pretend to drink and you spit it out to an empty glass when Caleb didn't notice.

You dance the night away,you also stole some glances at Snape he's just talking with his Fellow Teachers
His other arm is leaning at the table while the other is holding a glass of alcohol.

He looks hot like that.

You swallow your saliva while gawking at your Professor,You drink your alcohol while staring at his hands, you feel the sudden change of the temperature.

He notice someone staring at him so he looked at their direction. his eyes are immediately greeted by you staring at his hands while biting your cup.

He internally smirks at you. You kept staring at his hands that it caught Severus off guard when you winked at him then slowly brought your eyes down his pants then bit your lips.

Severus feel himself getting hard so he took his eyes off you.


You're still staring at Severus that you didn't notice Caleb is so close to you he grabs your waist.

You tense up when you feel his breath fanning your neck.

At the same time Severus saw it in his Peripheral vision
His eyes quickly darkened and he walked fast towards the both of you leaving a Confused Minerva.

You're about to punch Caleb when you saw Severus walking fast towards you,His eyebrows furrowed closely, his jaw tensing, he walked with purpose.

You're too busy looking at him when you couldn't think of Caleb's hands roaming down your body.

Severus saw how uncomfortable and scared you are
He let his anger get the best of him, he grabs the back of Caleb's dress robe and he drags him out of the great hall.

Anyone who saw a woman uncomfortable would do the same as what Severus did.

You watch how Severus angrily drags Caleb like a rug out of the great hall.
The first thing that comes to your mind is how
Angry Severus are.Of Course he would be angry when he saw how such scene but what confuse you is Severus he's usually so composed sure he would do something but you didn't expect him to act like that

Dragging a student where all of the students and teacher can see him.

Why is he so Affected?


Play the song for the mood. :)

𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 |Where stories live. Discover now