♧ 𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 ♧

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You're sitting at the Slytherin table munching a chicken quietly while looking at a sentence in the book that you're reading, you read it over and over but you couldn't process what it means because your mind keeps zoning out.

"Hi, I wanted to say sorry about what happened at the Christmas Ball." You're interrupted by an unexpected voice, the fire burning in your chest is growing bigger. It's been weeks and he's just now apologizing to you.

"Hmm." You hum a fake interest in what you're reading not acknowledging his presence. If you look at him your anger will get the best of you, and you wouldn't want to cause a scene in the great hall where there are so many people and he didn't deserve your attention.

"But I'm warning you, Stay Away from Snape." He warned you. You snap your head at him you look at him with a what-the-fuck? face. The audacity of this Boy after what he had done to you at the Ball.

Now he's concerned about you? you swear to merlin that if another word comes out of his pathetic mouth you wouldn't hesitate to snap his neck in front of the people that are here.

You look at him with warning eyes. Your face fell when your eyes rests on his face. You can see that he's worried his under eyes are dark like he hadn't had any sleep for days, the wrinkles on his forehead are very visible he always furrows his eyebrows while thinking.

But it's probably one of his acts to get close to you again. You wanted to scream at his face when he held your hands. His hands are sweaty and it's trembling. He looks really bothered and there's a sudden flashback when you went to Snape's tutor.

The way he's trembling is pretty similar to when you saw him being threatened by Snape that night, His eyebrows are closer together. the color of his lips lost its redness, his back is slouch and his lips are also trembling.

"Caleb?" You tilted your head at him. He lets go of your hands then he raises his head to look at the person standing behind you, you also turn your body to look at the person.

Your eyes widened when you saw Professor Snape but his emotionless face is what scares you because you couldn't identify what he's feeling or what he's thinking about.

But you feel the energy that surrounds him. it's threatening, it radiates danger but also calmness. It's so confusing to say at least you couldn't point out what he's feeling and it's very disturbing.

Caleb gives you a pleading eye one more time as he nods and flies off the great hall. You look at Snape but to your surprise, he's in his seat looking intensely at you.

You went to his classroom with a heavy feeling although you didn't really believe Caleb, but you couldn't help but doubt Severus. You have a reason you doubt him. He's not been very clear with his emotions lately.

You walk inside to be greeted by a whiskey, leather, manly cologne, and a book smell. It's a various smell you look at Severus curiously, he's not sitting in his seat like usual, he's standing close to your finish potion.

You wonder if he also smells what you smelled but you quickly realize something when you take a glance at your potion, you realize that you smelled him and you place your bag at your seat.

"Mr. Smith huh." He remarked, he crossed his arms in his chest while tapping his foot, you were dumbfounded by his words.

"Why do you care?" you bark back at him, now that infuriates him, he walks towards you slowly, his hair bouncing at the heavy steps he's making.

You walk back while he's walking towards you, you stop when your back hits the wall, you raise your head you hold back a squeal when you see Severus' face closely.

He places his hand on your waist to keep you still, you place your hand on his chest while looking at his lips.
He rubs his thumb on your waist and you let out a shaky breath.

"Avoiding what I said I see." He teases, but his voice is monotone when he says that.

You Want to close the gap between your lips but it's more intense when you wait.

"Avoiding my question I see." You tease back while running your hands up to his neck, he feels the hair all over his body rise up. He swallows when you playfully clench your fist in his hair.

You wanted to look away from his eyes but you found yourself drawn into it. he continues to rub his hands on your waist.

"Sometimes I wonder what is inside you, sir," You ask him while removing your hands from his hair to run your finger to his chest, your finger's going down his body. He grabs your wrist then he pins it to the wall.

"Wanna see?" He challenges back, his eye twitch when he thinks about you seeing what's inside. he dips his face to your neck you want to push your neck to him
but like you said you'll wait.

You feel the hotness spread all over your body, particularly the lower part, when you feel his hot breath you touch his hair with the other arm that he's not holding.

"Yes," You said breathlessly, this man can make you feel aroused every second and you're not complaining,
Why would you complain if he's the one making you aroused?

You tremble in excitement when he places a peck on your neck but you are disappointed because it's just a peck, you grab his hair which earns a groan from him.

You feel wetness spreading in your lower body part, you turn your head away feeling embarrassed that you felt that way.

He put his finger under your chin to have you look at him, you look at his lips then you look back into his eyes.

He lowered his head, your lips just a centimeter apart, you feel like you could burst anytime.

Severus stopped, not moving his head while looking at you, you want him to kiss you hard.

You interrupted by a knock you want to scream so loud when you heard Dumbledore's voice you mentally cursed at Dumbledore for ruining the moment

What a fucking cockblocker. Severus wanted to laugh but it's not the right time.

your face burning up, he places his hands on your cheeks you lean closer to him.

"You'll see it, but not right now." He softly tells you, you nodded defeatedly. he rolled his eyes when Dumbledore knocked again, he kissed your forehead then he went to the door to let Dumbledore in.

They conversed for a while and you just grade because you have nothing to do. You still cussed at Dumbledore in your mind and still pissed at Severus.

Severus is pleased with himself knowing how pissed you are but he has to get back at you for what you did to him the other night.

He considered this as his payback.


I know I wrote this but I'm pissed at Dumbledore tbh. hehe

𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 |Where stories live. Discover now