♧ 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ♧

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A month.

That's what you wish from him. And he couldn't say no to you. Even though he didn't want to agree because he wants to spend more time with you.

So he agreed. He agreed with you. The sparkle in your eyes is enough for him. Atleast he made you glad for once. He wants to have you again in his arms and never let you go.

"Severus..." You called him. His heart stops beating for a moment. When you called him. His mouth is parted and his Eyes wide. He wants to cry at how soft your voice sounded in his ears.

"Yes?..." He hides his emotions well. When his eyes rest on your Immaculate face. The walls that he build up crumbles into pieces. He went soft when a smile rest on your face. It's small but it's genuine. The most Beautiful smile that he had ever seen.

"Why are you doing this?..." You cross your arms in front of your chest. Tilting your head. Severus huffs. He knew the answer to that. And you deserve to know that.

"For you..." He muttered. His voice laced with pain and sadness but he tried to mask it by giving you a smile. You raise your hands to cup his cheeks. Severus felt cold but he still lean closer to your hands. Closing his eyes.

"For you..." He whispered to himself. Feeling every breath that he took. When he open his eyes. The tears build up quickly than he anticipated. He took in every moves of your hair. Your eyes that he will never got tired of admiring. Your smile that can brighten his day. Your nose that scrunch when everytime you got annoyed.

And Everything that he can took in his brain. He would think of it every second. So that he can't forget it.

"You look so Beautiful..." He smiled. Letting the tears flow out of his eyes. You look so beautiful and perfect in his eyes. He will never got tired of complementing you.

"Am i now?..." You tease him. Stroking his cheeks. He purse his lips. Tearing his eyes away from you. It's not that he didn't mean what he said. He's just shy to say it again.

"Everytime" You rolled your eyes. His deep chuckled filled the emptiness in the room.


"Let's go" The way your eyebrows knitted together. Made Severus Laugh. He just told you to close your eyes. He guide you to the door. It's night but you don't have to see the sorroundings when you went outside.

The cold night breeze and the silence what Took Severus' notice. He loved it. Even though it's dangerous sometimes. Severus guide you slowly. And both of you are gone like the wind. Severus apparated you to the place that he had in mind.

The relentless slapping of the water against each other. The deep blue color of the sea shines under the Moon. Severus look around to make sure that no one is there to notice him. The sand brush against the material of Severus' shoes.

𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 |Where stories live. Discover now