♧ 𝐃𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐭 ♧

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Severus didn't like what you did to him.

You made him feel things, and he can't believe how much power you had over him.

He's not supposed to feel something towards a student and what's worse is it's His Student.

He's becoming more and more into her every second.
That he let his anger got the best of him, he's losing hold of his own emotions and it's not getting better.

"What should I do about you?" He mutters quietly to himself, he inhales through the cigarette that is in between his middle and pointer finger, it feels like his lungs are wrapped in a warm blanket.

But he's used to it. He smokes when he's stressed, he slowly blows the smoke out then he slowly inhales through his nose.

What can he do to you?

What can he do for you?

That's the question that he asked himself. He knows the answers but he doesn't know how to act on them correctly. It sounds pathetic of him really,

You burst into his door. He quickly hide the Flask that he was holding and he muttered a spell quietly with his wand, he gave you a sharp look mad at you for just bursting in and not knocking.

"Didn't your parents teach you some manners?" He asks, still annoyed at you, you look at him shocked, not expecting him to snap at you.

"I was fully aware I didn't have one, sir" You snapped back, Elongating the sir mockingly while placing your bag on your seat.

"What if I'm doing a certain activity and then you burge in?" He taunts you, but to his surprise, you stop what you are doing to slowly look at him.

"And what certain activity is it professor?" You ask, challenging him. He stares at you with a questioning look, but he notices the hidden meaning behind your words when you bite your lips while looking at his hands that are still holding his cigarette.

"I didn't know you smoked sir." You muttered, still staring at his hands and thinking of something, he put the cigarette in the ashtray and he made it disappear with a wave of his hands.

"I wasn't aware that you have to know Miss L/n." He put his chin in his hands as he said those words, you cleared your throat not knowing what and how to answer his question.

"You didn't answer my question, sir." You point out. To change the subject he stops to recall your question earlier, He clicks his tongue and answers your question.

"Am I supposed to answer?" He asks you, you pout your lips at him, he's avoiding the question. He's answering the question with a question.

"What is that? The thing you hide?" You decided to ask another question since it's clear that he doesn't want to answer your first question. His jaw tensed and he clenches his fist.

"It's not a thing that you should know about." He spat at you, you blinked at him worried for his outburst. But it's your fault you think if you didn't ask that he wouldn't have an outburst.

"I-i'm sorry." You muttered an apology. He clenches his fists then he leans back into his seat, you look carefully at him.

"Just go to your work." He dismissed you harshly, you nod at him then quietly get your cauldron. You worked quietly, scared that if you made a noise it would anger him more.

Severus wanted to slap himself so bad.

How can he let his emotions got away again.

, he really needs to look at himself more if he let something like that happen again it would end badly.

He tested your work and as expected it's good he looks at you, you look at him patiently waiting for his confirmation that you did your potion correctly. He watches how you smile proudly at yourself when he nodded confirming your silent question.

You decided to help him again with grading his papers. The room is filled with an awkward atmosphere, and your thoughts are not helping you right now.

"Sorry about earlier." He cuts the silence with his words. He stares at you hard when you just shrug your shoulders at him. You swallow hard against his intense gaze, you hesitantly nod at him to escape his gaze but it's not enough for him, he just stares harder at you.

"Okay..." you grimace at your own words. Severus slowly nods at you. Somehow relieved at your words but still unsure of himself, He harshly reminded himself to be careful.

You conversed with him while grading the papers. He talks to you about his stress and the students you relate to his hatred towards the students.

You are a student yourself but you hate how they can be so childish every time you open up to him about your personal experience, and surprisingly he also opens up to you.

Bothering to answer some silly questions that you ask him and he even joked about Minerva and Dumbledore betting on some stupid stuffs, he seems more bright when talking to you.

You both didn't notice that it's past curfew. You were both busy comfortably talking to each other. Time really flies when you're having fun, Severus accompanies you again to your dorm.

Afraid that you will get detention but mainly to make sure that you get there safely, you close your eyes while walking to feel the cold wind. You open your eyes to make sure you didn't trip because that would be so embarrassing.

You wanted to ask Severus What is it that he had to hurry up to hide ? Why did he get so defensive when you asked him about it, you remembered his panicked look.

It must be important because of how secured he is with it that he has to use his wand to make sure that it's secured. He's so fast that you didn't see it.

You still feel scared about the sudden outburst. You haven't seen him that angry. You shivered when you remember the look in his eyes when he snapped at you.

You bid him goodbye and you didn't wait for his response. You just want to sleep so badly to forget your thoughts and doubts towards him. You didn't want to doubt him but you couldn't help it.

You told yourself to trust him more.


𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 |Where stories live. Discover now