♧ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬 ♧

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After a week has passed.

You haven't left the room, it has become your only security, you didn't see Severus for that past week.

which has made you somewhat disappointed but you didn't show it, you wondered if you would just be stuck in this room.

"The fuck am I supposed to do now?" You sigh as you look into the finished books that are just lying in your bed.

Should you ask Severus?

you want to but your pride is telling you. 'No,' you groaned as you flop yourself to the bed, you tried to follow one of the ceiling fan wings, but you ended up feeling dizzy.

You tried to argue with yourself but it ended up with your mind sassing you, you really wanted to do something. "Maybe get out of this room." the voice in your mind suggests, you shook your head not agreeing with your mind. "Never" you muttered bashfully, you stretched your body and you tried to get into a comfortable position.

But you end up tossing and turning to the bed.

"Fuck it!" you curse as you went to the doorknob you carefully twist it. Your eyes widening when it created a scratch sound.

"Holy shi-" you whispered as you found it unlocked, you quietly open the door but you wince as it creaks, you look at the hall to find it empty, you exhale then you started strolling quietly.

You went downstairs, you found shelves full of different types of books, you let your fingers glide to the book as you walked, you looked at your fingers to find it with dust, you also looked at the chair and the fireplace. It seemed cozy,

You froze when you heard someone clearing their throat.

You swallowed before turning to face him.

You are greeted by a sight.

Severus with just a boxer. You look at him up and down, you see some scars all over his pale body, your eyes settle in his crotch area, you swallow again as you take the sight of him, he clears his throat again as he notices you staring.

You look at him and furrow your eyebrow, Severus may not admit it but he loves it when you stare at him.

You just look into his eyes for the first time like always you manage to get lost in it, Severus didn't like it when he saw how you look at him now, it had changed and he didn't like that.

"Would you like some food?" He asks like normal, you wanted to hit him at the very moment, you look at him with an odd look, you took a deep breath containing your anger, you didn't know if he was being sarcastic or being dumb.

"Did you put a potion in it?" You deadpan, Severus took offense in your words, his body tense as you didn't show any emotion, your eyes are dead, not bright like it used to, you raise your eyebrows at him.

Severus can see himself in you, he watches as you take a book from one of his shelves.

"Maybe later." You flatly said you walked past him taking one last look at him, Severus looked as you went upstairs to your room, he sadly sighs before going to his own room, he wanted to go to your room to talk to you, but decided against it.

You rest your back once you close the door, you couldn't believe that you manage to talk to him like that, you're not like that before, you're changing and it's his fault, you hated him for that even more.

the things that he can do to you and only he can do.

You decided to read that book, realizing so much has changed in you. Before, you read because you wanted to learn and discover something new you're reading just to escape the reality that you're in, to forget the things that are happening in your life.

You wanted to run away from your problem, but that's the problem,

you can't run away.

you can't escape.

you have nowhere to go except this place, you're in your own prison with no escape, nowhere to run.

you just have yourself but you're losing your normal self what would happen?

Severus wanted you from himself, that's the truth.

Hewanted you.

all of you...

Is he changing you?

or are you changing yourself.

you wanted your whole self to hate him, but you knew he had reasons to do this to you.

Severus is a wise man but what did he mean that he just wants you to be safe, he's doing this so you'll be safe, but

from what?

safe from what or who?

Caleb comes to your mind, you remember Severus threatening him about how Caleb should stay away from you, Is it what danger Severus thinks.

It's probably serious because of Caleb's reaction he must've done big shit to the point Severus used it against him, you couldn't believe how Severus is so possessive over you.

To be honest, you found it hot how he's so overprotective, your eyes widen at your own thoughts. You're supposed to hate him not find him hot, you also ask yourself what is that devil doing now.

But your mind isn't agreeing when you thought of him doing something inappropriate, you made a sound of disgust before continuing reading.

Severus is outside of his house making the spell stronger around his house, he made it appear to you that you're in some forest, so you wouldn't dare escape the house.

He also checked if someone was looking for you, but no one seemed to notice.

which is good for him, no problems seem to happen.

The only problem that he has is to make you talk to him, to make you comfortable in his house.

Towin your heart, he wanted you to be his, and he would do anything just to make that happen.

Even if it cost his own life, he wanted you only and no one else, not even Lily.

Now he has you he didn't think about Her anymore, he didn't need her.

Because he has you now...


𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 |Where stories live. Discover now