♧ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝 ♧

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"Y/n..." He sniffed. The heaviness in his heart is making his knees buckle. He couldn't look at you. The pain is unbearable. He's ready to let you go. But it's so hard.

"I love you...." He looks up to stop the tears. The wind brushing his hair away from his face. He reminisces every moment that he has with you. Through the small ones. Like just looking at you. All of it. He buried it in his heart. Hiding it away like a treasure.

"How can I?..." He questioned. How can he continue now? The guilt is eating him out. He didn't know how to escape it so he embrace it. And it's destroying him.

"I'm sorry..." He finally looks at you.

Your grave. The grave of the Woman he will forever Love. He didn't save you. He was too late that night. How can he forgive himself? when you died because he was too late. He couldn't save you.

You died. The last thing you remember is how angry you are at him. He didn't even say sorry to you. He didn't even get to explain everything to you. He has so many things to say to you. So many things he wants to share with you.


Severus finally opens the door to your room. He looks at every corner of it. That's when he noticed the door to the bathroom. He strolled towards it. His heart beating out of his chest. He prayed that you didn't do what he think you did.

His lips trembled. His eyes watering at the horrendous sight in front of him. It was you. Your head is deep below the water. He can see how pale your skin is now.

He runs to you not caring if the floor is slippery. His mind going insane. He wants to scream. To cry even.

When he holds your head. He tore his eyes away. He wants to stab his eyeballs out. His eyes stung. But he ignores it.

He picks up your body. Your cold body. In his arms.

He tried everything that he can just to hear just a faint of your heartbeat. Just to hear you. The tears flow in his cheeks. His mind knew what is happening. But his heart can't accept it.

He didn't want to give up. He tried to let all the water out but when it did. You still didn't move, no breathing, face pale, cold body. He paces around the room. Looking back at you. The bathroom. Then back at you again.

He tried... He really did... but he was too late...

He moaned in pain as he hugs your body. He kisses your head letting his lips linger as a tear has dropped on your face.

He hugs your body tight. Shutting his eyes. track of tears escapes his eyes. He grabs your hand to tap his back. He wait for your response but get none.

He mumbled thousands of apologies. But you can't hear any of it. You wouldn't hear any of it.

He wants to rewind time. Just to have you back. The Pain. It was too much. You're all he has. You're all he needs.

𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 |Where stories live. Discover now