Chapter 45

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Talia's POV

Austin walks into the bathroom and I don't even look up at him. I just cross my arms over my chest and look down at my feet.

"Talia, why did you run out?" He asks.

I look up and I glare at him.

"Did you really just ask that?" I ask with an attitude.

"Yes I did just ask you, and I want you to answer me." Austin says.

"You really don't know?" I ask.

"Yes, I really don't know." He says.

I sign and then I say,
"When we were sitting out there, the guys asked you about the hickey on my neck & all you did was say "Yeah" and smirk. Then when they were staring at me & the hickey on my neck, you didn't say anything. Did you not realize I was blushing & looking down at my hands? Did you not realize how uncomfortable I was? Do you know how embarrassing that was? You didn't even say anything or do anything."

"Talia, it's not a big deal. The guys already know we have sex, and they don't care." Austin says.

"That's not the point Austin." I say.

"Then what is it?" He asks.

"The point is, when something like that happens, I want you to say something! Say "Stop staring guys" or "Stop talking about it" or something! Anything! I would really fucking appreciate it next time if you could say something & not just sit there with that stupid smirk on your face!" I say.

"Talia, I still don't understand why you're making such a big deal out of this. It doesn't matter." He says.

"You know what, just forget it. It's whatever. I don't care anymore." I say with an attitude. I just want this conversation to be over with.

Austin quickly grabs my arms and pushes me against the wall, pinning my arms by my sides & he's pinning my body to the wall with his.

"Get off me Austin! Let go!"

"No." He says.

"Let me go Austin! I swear to god if you don't let me go I will-"

"You'll what, Talia?" He asks, interrupting me, and raising his eyebrow.

"This." I say, pulling out of his grip finally & I slap him across his face...hard.

Austin looks shocked and he holds his hand on his cheek. I quickly open the door and I leave the bathroom, leaving him there too.

"Talia!!!" I hear Austin yell, but I ignore him.

I run really fast upstairs and into our bedroom, closing the door behind me. I lay down on the bed with my face in a pillow, and I just start crying for some weird reason.

"Talia!" I hear Austin yell again and then I hear the door open & slam shut.

"We seriously need to talk, Talia."

I lean up from the pillow and I look at him.

"I don't want to talk to you." I say, then I put my head in the pillow again.

"Talia!" Austin says, then I feel him grab me around the waist & pull me up off the bed.

My back is against his chest and his arms are around me & they are pinning my arms to my sides. I kick my legs and I yell.

"Austin! Let me go!"

"No, we're going to talk." He says.

I just sigh and stop fighting against his arms. He's really strong and it's hard to fight against him because I get tired.

Keeping My Heart (AustinMahoneFanfic/ Sequel to StoleMyHeart)Where stories live. Discover now