Chapter 19- Goodbyes

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Austin's POV

I woke up when Talia started moving around in bed next to me.

Today everyone is going their separate ways after breakfast, so we're all saying goodbye to each other.

"Goodmorning beautiful."
I say when Talia opens her eyes and looks up at me.

Talia smiles and says,
"Goodmorning Austin."

We both get up out of bed and I let Talia go to the bathroom to brush her teeth & stuff first. I wake up the boys and then I walk out into the living area of the bus.

"Goodmorning Austin." My mom says.

She's sitting in the living room of the bus with Mike, Rocco, and a couple other people.

"Goodmorning" I say.

"Everyone is heading out at 11am, so if you want to say goodbye to everyone, you need to do it soon. It's almost 10am now." Rocco says.

"Yeah, we're just going to get changed and stuff, then we'll go say goodbye." I say.

I walk back and find Talia in the room.

"Are you getting changed?" I ask her.

"Um no, I'm just going to put my hair up for right now. I'll be done in a minute, and then we can go say goodbye to everyone." Talia says.

"Okay babe. I'm gonna go brush my teeth, I'll be back in a minute." I say walking out of the room.

I brush my teeth in the bathroom and then I go back to the room. Talia is putting on her flip flops and then she comes over to where I'm standing.

"I'm ready." She says smiling.

I'm wearing basketball shorts and a t-shirt, and I quickly put on a SnapBack to cover my horrible looking hair. I put on sneakers and then Talia & I walk out into the living room of the bus.

Talia's POV

The guys are waiting there for us and then we all go outside. We go to Shawn's bus first and he opens the door.

"Hey" He says to us.

"Hi Shawn." I say smiling.

We all walk on his bus and we all talk for a couple minutes, then we say goodbye.

I give Shawn a hug and he hugs me back tightly.

"I'm going to miss you." I say.

"I'll miss you too Talia. Don't get into any trouble with Austin." He says laughing.

"I'll try not to." I say with a laugh.

We pull away from our hug and then Alex, Robert, Zach, & Austin all give him bro hugs. We all say goodbye and go towards the exit of the bus.

"Talia wait!" Shawn yells as I'm about to step off the bus behind everyone else.

I go back over to Shawn and he hands me his phone.

"Can I have you number so we can talk sometime? I don't know why I didn't get it from you before." Shawn says.

"Sure!" I say.

I put my number in his phone and give it back to him, then I hug him again.

"Bye Shawn. I hope I'll see you soon." I say when I pull back.

"Yeah, hopefully we'll see each other soon. Bye Talia." He says.

I smile at him and then I walk off his bus.

The guys are waiting outside for me and they all look at me questioningly but I just ignore them.

We all walk to Fifth Harmony's bus and Austin knocks on the door. Ally opens the door and lets us on their bus.

We all say goodbye to everybody and I make sure I have all the girls' numbers, and I give them all hugs.

"I'm going to miss you girls so much!!" I say, when I have a group hug with all of them.

"We'll miss you too!!! If you're ever in the same place as us, we have to hang out!"

"Totally! We have to hang out sometime!" I say.

"Of course!"

We pull away from our hug and they all hug Austin, and thank him for having them on his tour.

They each hug Austin separately. Austin hugs Camila for a longer amount of time & I swear I saw him kiss her cheek.

The guys all hug them too & we all say goodbye, then we walk off their bus. Austin says he'll catch up with us in a minute so I stand with the guys in the parking lot.

Austin walks off the bus a minute later smiling and the guys all look at him, & so do I.

We walk over to Austin's dancers' bus and we go onto their bus. We all say goodbye to them & then we go back to Austin's bus.

Rocco, Mike, and Michelle have to take the three cars back to Miami so they say goodbye to us, then they go out to the parking lot.

We all get comfortable sitting down and the bus driver starts driving us back to Miami.

Austin goes back to the room with his phone and I sit out in the living room with the guys. I sit on my phone and I text my sister & Courtney.

Alex gets up and walks back to where Austin's at to ask him something, then he comes back out and sits back down next to me.

"Talia?" Alex says.

"Yeah?" I say.

"I think there's something you need to know." Alex says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Austin has kissed Camila a couple times." Alex says.

"W-what?" I ask tears forming in my eyes.

Robert and Zach come over & sit down next to me also.

"I know you're really upset, but we all knew that we should tell you." Zach says.

"B-but what am I supposed to say to Austin?" I ask.

"We're going to tell him that you know, and then he'll have to talk to you. We're going to go tell him now." Robert says.

"Okay." I say.

Alex wipes the tears off my cheeks and the guys all smile at me.

"We're sorry Talia."

I just nod my head and I wipe my eyes again. The guys get up and walk back to Austin's room. I hear the guys talking to Austin in the room. I sit on the couch and pull my knees up to my chest, & I cry softly.


Oooooo dramaaaaaa😁😁....

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