Chapter 38

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Talia's POV

I knock on the door to Brad's room twice and I wait for like a minute, then he opens the door.

"Hey" Brad says.

"Hey" I say.

"Come in." He says.

I walk into his room and he closes the door behind us. He tells me to sit down, so I walk over and sit down on the edge of his bed.

He comes over and sits down next to me, and we're both quiet.

"Talia, about last night..." Brad says.

"Yeah?" I say.

"I know you got yelled at by Austin and I feel really bad. I don't know what Austin said to you after you ran out of the ball. I'm sorry about last night."

"It's okay, it's not your fault he yelled at me Brad."

"Yes Talia, it is my fault. I was the one who kissed you, but you told Austin that you were the one who kissed me."

"I know I did, but-"

"Talia, I feel really bad about last night. Yes I have feelings for you, and that's why we kissed a couple times. But I don't think we should have."


"I think we should forget what happened. We should forget that we even kissed. I'll learn to move on, Talia. You have to go live your life in America. I'm here in London."

"Brad, I-"

"I'll learn to move on. You can go back to America and live your life, and I'll be here in London living mine. We can still be friends, Talia. We can still talk just as much as we do now. When the guys & I go on tour in America again, we can hang out. I want you to be happy, and I know that you're happy being in Miami with Austin. I know he makes you happy. Lets forget that anything ever happened between us, okay?"

"Okay, I'll try to forget what happened."

"Are you okay, Talia? I know you talked to Austin last night after you ran out."

"Yeah, we talked. I just had a lot on my mind last night and I had to figure out what to do."

"Do you think you're still going to come to Zayn's party tonight with us?"

"Um yeah, I think so."

"Okay cool."

"Well I'm going to go back to my room. Austin's picking me up soon and I'll be out for a while. I'll see you later." I say, standing up.

Brad stands up too and says,
"Okay, bye Talia."

I give him a hug and then I pull away from him.

"Bye Brad." I say.

I walk over to the door and I leave his room, then I go back to mine.

I have to figure out what to wear.

I put on a pair of white shorts and I put on my flowy, blue crop top. I go into the bathroom and I brush my teeth again, then I brush out my hair. I have natural waves in my hair and they look really good today, so I don't do anything else with my hair. I put on a little makeup and then I go back out into my room.

My phone starts ringing on the nightstand so I quickly pick it up.

"Hey" I say.

"Hey it's Austin. I'm almost there to pick you up. I'll be there in like 5 minutes."

"Okay, I'll be ready. Bye Austin."

"Bye Talia." He says, then he hangs up.

I put my phone and a couple other things in my one purse. It goes over my shoulder but it has a longer strap, so the bag is actually down by my hip.

Keeping My Heart (AustinMahoneFanfic/ Sequel to StoleMyHeart)Where stories live. Discover now