Chapter 10

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Talia's POV

When we get to the restaurant and get a table, Austin and I sit down next to each other & Mike, Rocco, Michelle, and the rest of Austin's team sit down around the table. Austin's dancers came in another car and they sit down at the table too.

Our waiter comes to our table and starts taking our order, then he leaves.

Austin and I talk with everyone about the tour & we talk about other things while we're eating.

After we're done dinner, we pay and then we go back to the cars. We go back to the tour bus and Austin & I hang out for a little while, but then we all go to sleep.

I get in my bunk and then I slowly fall asleep.

~In the morning~

I woke up to a kiss on the tip of my nose. I open my eyes to see Austin staring down at me. I smile at him and he smiles back.

"Goodmorning Sunshine." Austin says cutely.

I giggle and say "Goodmorning Austin."

Austin lifts me up and takes me out of my bunk, then my bare feet touch the floor. Austin has his hands on my hips and I look up at him.

"Happy Birthday baby." He says smiling, then he leans down and kisses me passionately, pulling me against his body.

We stop kissing and then he hugs me tightly. When we pull away, we both smile at each other. I notice that Austin's fully dressed.

"I have to go into the venue now and start doing things. The guys are going to be here in about an hour and they are going to be coming on the bus & putting their things in their bunks. Michelle's going to stay here on the bus, but Mike, Rocco, my dancers, and the other people on my team are coming inside the venue with me. Please get dressed and get ready babe. When the guys get here, they will put their bags away, then you, the guys, and my mom will come into the venue. Okay babe?"

"Okay." I say.

"I have to go. I'll see you in a little while babe. Bye." He says smiling.

"Okay, bye Austin." I say smiling back.

Austin leans down and kisses my cheek, then he smiles and turns around. After Austin walks away, I go to my suitcase and look through it, trying to decide what to wear.

"Need some help sweetie?" I hear Michelle ask.

I look up and smile at her as she walks over to me.

"I can't decide what to wear." I say.

"Let me see what you have. I'll help you pick something." Michelle says, smiling at me.

"Okay. Thank you Michelle." I say, smiling back at her.

I show her what I have in my bag and she picks out two things & I try to decide which one to wear.

I choose a red skirt and a white tanktop.

Michelle and I both stand back up & she hugs me. I look at her a little confused because she randomly hugged me.

"Happy Birthday!" She says smiling.

"Thanks Michelle!" I say, smiling back at her.

"I'm going to get changed now." I say, then I walk away from her.

I grab my one bag, then I go into the bathroom. I get changed and then I put on a little makeup. I put on a necklace that has a big red heart. I put on my one pair of hanging earring & then I straighten my hair. I take a piece of my hair from the front and I clip it back. I'm done getting ready.

I walk out of the bathroom and walk back to my bunk. I grab my phone and my charger, then I walk out into the living area of the bus. Michelle's sitting on the one couch on her computer and she looks up & smiles at me when I walk in. I smile back then I plug in my phone and I go on Instagram.

I check Austin's Instagram and I see that he posted a collage of pictures of us. I click on it and he wrote a long caption. I start reading it and I smile.

"Happy Birthday to the most beautiful girl ever. You are amazing. Your smile makes me smile. You make me the happiest guy in the world. I can't describe in words how much I love you, and I can't say it enough. I think about you every second of every day because you mean the world to me. I hope you have an amazing birthday today and I hope you enjoy it. I love you so much babe."

I like the picture and I look down at my phone, and I smile. That was the cutest thing Austin could've said.

I go into my twitter app and scroll through my mentions. A ton of Mahomies tweeted me happy birthday. I'm scrolling through my mentions when I get 3 texts. One from Alex, one from Robert, and one from Zach.

"Happy 19th Birthday Talia! I hope you have an amazing birthday :) Love, AC"

"Happy birthday Talia ;) -Zach"

"Happy 19th Birthday ;) -Rob"

I send a "Thank you! :)" message to all of them, then I go back into twitter.

After a couple minutes, my phone starts ringing.

"Hey birthday girl!" Alex says when I pick up.

"Hey Alex!" I say.

"What's up?" He asks.

"Not much. I'm just sitting on the bus with Michelle. What about you?"

"We are going to be at the bus in like 5 minutes. So I'll see you soon. I just wanted to let you know."

"Okay cool. I'll see you then. Bye Alex!" I say.

"Bye Talia." He says then he hangs up.

I tell Michelle that the guys will be here in 5 minutes and she says okay.

I talk with Michelle for a couple minutes and we wait for the guys to get here.


I'm so sorry it took a while for me to update chapter 10. I've been really busy with school.

I hope you like Chapter 10. Please vote and comment :)


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