Chapter 17: Part 2- Silly String

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Talia's POV

I knocked on Fifth Harmony's dressing room & when the door opens, I'm quick pulled inside.

"Hey!" The girls all say.

"Hey!" I say smiling.

"Did Austin finish performing?"

"Yes he just finished, and his camera guy should be here any second."

There's a knock on the door and I walk over to the door.

"Who is it?"

The guy says who it is. It's Austin's camera guy.

I open the door and I let him in. He gets in a certain place so he can catch the whole thing on tape.

"Are you girls ready to do this or what?" Dinah says excited.

"Yes!!!" We all say.

Austin's camera guy just laughs at us.

I get a text from Alex-

'We will all be there with Austin in like 2 minutes. We want to see it all haha'

I laugh at end of his text.

"Girls, Austin's going to be here in like two minutes. Alex just texted me." I say.

"Okay! Everyone get their silly strong. When he gets here, I'm going to open the door. When he walks in, hide the silly string then surprise him & start spraying him with it." Normani says.

We all say okay and grab our silly string, then there is a knock on the door.

"Ready?" Normani mouths.

We nod our heads and hide our silly string. Normani opens the door and Austin walks in.

"Hey girls. Talia, I didn't know you were going to be here too." Austin says.

He starts walking over to me to give me a hug, but I bring my silly string out from behind my back & I start spraying him. The girls all join in after a couple seconds and we are yelling & Austin just trying to cover himself from getting sprayed with silly string.

My silly string runs out so I get another one & I start spraying Austin again. The girls continue spraying him with silly string.

I hear the guys laughing and I stop spraying Austin, and I look at the guys. Their smiles drop from their faces as they see the look on my face. I start spraying them all with silly string & they keep yelling at me, while I just laugh. I hear Austin yelling and the girls laughing behind me.

We all stop spraying the silly string and I walk back over to Austin with a smile on my face.

Austin leans forward so his mouth is by my ear.

"You're so gonna pay for that babe." Austin whispers in my ear.

"I can't believe you girls did that!" Austin says when he turns around.

They all laugh and Lauren says,

"We had to do something since it was the end of the tour!"

Austin just laughs and smiles at them.

Austin says bye to the girls and he goes to get cleaned up. The guys leave too because I silly stringed them.

We're all going to have pizza and then we're all going out to see a movie later. It's only 6pm now. Austin's show was early today.

I say goodbye to the girls and then I leave their dressing room. I go into Austin's dressing room and grab my bag real quick. Everyone's things are already cleaned out of here. I walk out of the venue and I start walking to the bus. I hear screams and I look to my right. I see a group of Mahomies standing behind the parking gate, that's pretty far from Austin's bus. I put my hand up and I wave to them smiling. I get on Austin's bus and I see Austin sitting on the couch.

"You got showered and dressed already? I didn't even stay in their dressing for that long after you left."

"Yeah, I'm all done now." Austin says with a laugh at the end.

I stand there and it's quiet for a minute or so before Austin says something.

"Are you getting changed babe?"

"I'm just gonna go fix my hair and my makeup. That's it." I say.

"Alright babe. Just come back here when you're done."

"Okay." I say smiling at Austin, then I walk back to the bedroom/studio Austin has on the bus.

I open the door and I walk in. I grab the things I need and I go over to the mirror. I fix my hair and then I fix my makeup. After I'm done, I put everything back where it was & I find my purse. I put a couple things in it and then I walk back out to Austin.


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