Chapter 24

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Zach's POV

I went downstairs and I walked into the kitchen. Austin, Rob, and AC all look up at me.

"What did she say?" Austin asks.

"Uh well she kind of doesn't want to see you right now Austin, so I'm bringing her food upstairs." I say.

"Don't you think she's overreacting a little?" Rob asks.

"I don't know, I mean I guess it all depends on what Austin said or did." I say.

"Can you guys please stop talking about it? I made a mistake, I know. Talia has a right to be mad at me. I cheated on her. So if all of you could please shut up and just let me deal with all of this, that would be just great." Austin says angrily.

Well that was a sudden mood change. He seemed okay when I walked in here and then he just kind of snapped.

"Jeez Austin, calm down. We'll stop talking about it." AC says.

Austin grabs his food and goes over to the kitchen table & sits down. Rob, AC, and I look at each other & I just shrug.

I grab Talia's food and I grab a water bottle out of the fridge, then I walk upstairs.

I knock on Talia's door and she lets me in. I hand her the box with her Chinese food in it & I hand her the water bottle.

"Thanks." She says.

"No problem." I say, then I leave her room.

I walk back downstairs and get my food, then I join the guys at the kitchen table.

We all kind of eat quietly and then we go up to our room & just chill. After a couple hours, we all go to sleep.

~In the morning~

Talia's POV

I woke up pretty early & I went downstairs. I made myself coffee and some toast, then after was done with my breakfast, I went back upstairs to my room.

I'm supposed to fly to London in 2 days for the Vamps' show. I need to start packing things because I'm going to stay there for a week & hang out with the guys.

I put my phone in my dock and I turn on some music. My door's closed so I turn the volume up pretty loud.
I dance around my room and sing along to the music, while I pack up my bags. Music makes me happy.
I pack up most of the things I'm taking with me, but I still have to pack up a couple little things still.

There is a knock on my door and I turn down my music. I open the door and I see AC standing there.

"Hey" I say.

"Hey. How are you?" AC asks.

"I'm fine I guess. What's up?" I say.

"Oh well I went outside to get something out of Austin's car and I saw you had mail, so I thought I'd bring it up to you." He says.

"Alright cool. Thanks Alex." I say.

"No problem. So what are you doing in here?" He asks.

"Just listening to some music and packing a bag." I say.

"Why are you packing a bag?" He asks me.

"I'm flying to London in 2 days, remember? To see the Vamps' show and I'm going to be there for a week, hanging out with them." I say.

"Does Austin know?" Alex asks.

"Yeah he knew a couple weeks ago and he said I could go. I don't think he's changed his mind." I say.

"Oh okay. Well if you need anything, I can help you." He says.

"Actually, I might need you to drive me to the airport because I don't really want to leave my car at the parking lot for a whole week." I say.

"I can drive you there. When do you have to be there?" Alex asks.

"Um well today's Tuesday, so Thursday morning at some point."

"Alright. Well here's your mail." Alex says handing me the pile.

"Thanks. Bye Alex." I say.

"Bye" He says then he leaves.

I close the door again and I turn the volume up louder on my music. I sit down on my bed and I look through my mail. I find an envelope that's addressed to me & I look at who it's from. It says it's from some sort of management company.

I open the envelope up and there are a couple papers inside. I start reading the papers and I realize that it's the plane ticket to London & that it's the Vamps' management that sent it to me.

My phone starts ringing so I put the envelope on my nightstand & I turn off my music, then I answer the phone without looking at who it is.

"Hey Talia!" A guy says and I know right away that it's Brad from the Vamps. I can tell by his accent.

"Hey Brad! What's up?" I say.

"Not much, what about you? Did you get your plane ticket in the mail?"

"I actually just opened the mail and I got it. Oh and I'm not really doing anything either, I just started packing a bag actually." I say.

Brad and I talk on the phone for a couple hours but then he says he has to go. He said that I should call him Wednesday night and that him & the guys would be at the airport to pick me up.

I realize that I should probably go food shopping because there is like no food in this house. I get dressed and I get ready, then I grab my purse & my shoes, and I walk out of my room.

I walk to the guys' bedroom door and I knock on it a couple times.

"I'm going to go to the store to get food, you guys should all come with me so you can get what you want." I say through the door.

I start walking away from the door and when I'm at the stairs I hear my name. I turn around and Alex is looking out the door.

"We're all going to get ready quickly. Give us 10 minutes." He says.

"Okay, I'll be downstairs waiting." I say, then I turn back around & walk downstairs.

I wait downstairs for the guys by the front door and I just do different things on my phone. I have my shopping list in my purse so I know what I need to get.

I look at the time, and it's been like 15 minutes. What is taking them so long?
I'm about to yell upstairs but after a couple seconds, they all come down the stairs quickly.

"Lets go" Rob says.

I make sure the front door is locked and then we all walk outside, & I make sure the door is closed behind us.

"Wait are we taking my car or yours Austin?" I ask once we're all outside.

"Whichever one. I think mine might have more space in it to put everything." Austin says.

"That's true. Okay, we'll take yours." I say.

Austin unlocks his car and we all get in the car. Austin insists that I sit in the front so I say "Okay."

I'm still mad at him, I mean I have a right to be mad. I'm over the whole "I'm not talking to you, I don't want to see you" thing.

I want to tell Austin that I forgive him, but I'm going to tell him that if he does something like that again, it's immediately over between us.

Austin drives to the one food store and he parks his car. We all get out of the car and then we all go inside.

I grab a shopping cart and then I take my list out of my bag.

"I definitely have to get the things on this list, but we can get other things too." I say.

"Okay." The guys say, and then they follow me through the store.

Keeping My Heart (AustinMahoneFanfic/ Sequel to StoleMyHeart)Where stories live. Discover now