Chapter 65- Part 2

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Talia's POV

We're in the middle of talking when my phone starts ringing.

"Austin I need to answer that, it's probably my mom." I say.

"Your phone is right there babe." He says pointing to the bottom of the bed.

I quickly grab my phone and I answer it, then I lay back down, facing Austin.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hi sweetheart! How are you?" My mom says.

"I'm good Mom, how are you?" I say.

"I'm good. I was calling to let you know that your father and I can Skype with you in like 5 minutes."

"Okay. I'll call you on Skype in a little bit. Bye mom." I say.

"Okay. Bye Talia." She says and she hangs up.

I toss my phone to the end of the bed and I'm pretty sure it bounces off & lands on the floor.

"Okay. I have to get changed, I have to Skype my parents and tell them about our engagement." I say.

"Okay." Austin says.

I get up out of the bed and I walk around the bed, grabbing my bra, my shorts, and my shirt that Austin tossed on the ground. Austin just went into the bathroom. I walk over to the dresser, and I take out a new pair of underwear.

I come back over to the bed and I drop my clothes on it, and I quickly get changed.

Once in completely changed, I feel Austin put his two hands on my hips and he's standing behind me.

"You scared me." I say, hitting his chest playfully, then I walk away from him and into the bathroom. I have to fix my hair and I decide to just throw it up in a messy bun.

I walk out of the bathroom and I see Austin sitting on his side of the bed, and he also has my laptop sitting on the bed turned on.

I go over and sit on the bed next to Austin and I put my laptop on my lap.

I go into Skype and I go to my mom's name and I hit 'call'.

I set the computer on my lap and I make sure the camera is only me. I don't want Austin to be in the camera's focus right this second.

My mom accepts the call and her & my Dad pop up on the screen.

We all say hi to each other and ask how we've been, blah blah blah.

I turn the camera so Austin's on it too, because my mom wanted to say hi to him and stuff like that.

"So what was so important?" My mom asks me after a while.

"Well I have something exciting to tell you." I say.

"Oh my god what is it?!" She says, sounding really excited.

"Austin and I are engaged!" I yell.

"Oh my god sweetheart! I'm so happy for you!" She yells.

I look at my Dad and he seems to be glaring at Austin through the screen.

"Dad...please say something." I say.

My day just says "Congratulations" then he stands up, and walks away.

My heart sinks and my eyes tear up a little. Does he really disapprove of Austin that much? Why does he have to be like this? Why can't he be genuinely happy for me? Why can't he accept the fact that Austin & I love each other so much?

Keeping My Heart (AustinMahoneFanfic/ Sequel to StoleMyHeart)Where stories live. Discover now