Chapter 35- Austin & the guys in Miami (PLEASE READ A/N)

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Austin's POV

I miss Talia. I want her to come back to Miami. I know it's only been like a week, but I still miss her.

I'm excited for our vacation a couple days after she gets back. It's going to be fun.

Right now the guys & I are just hanging out at the house.

I would call Talia but I know she's probably asleep. It's like 4am tomorrow there, but it's only 11pm here.

The guys and I hang out for a little while longer, then we all go upstairs to bed.

I get ready for bed then I lay down, and I fall asleep thinking about Talia.

~in the morning~

I wake up at like 4am because I couldn't sleep and I check my phone. I decide to text Talia. It's like 9am there.

"Goodmorning beautiful. I hope you have an amazing day. I love you <3"

Talia texts me back after a couple minutes.

"Goodmorning Austin. I miss you. I love you too <3"

I text her back saying,
"I miss you too babe :("

"I'll be back Saturday afternoon. My flight is at 10am here, so it'll be 5am there. And it takes 9 hours, so my flight should land around 2pm."

"I'll be at the airport to pick you up babe." I text her.

"Okay :)"

I fall back asleep for a while then I wake up again at 8am. I'll just stay up now.

I open up my twitter app and I tweet,
"GOODMORNING!!!!" to my Mahomies.

I go downstairs and I find the guys eating cereal. I pour myself a bowl of cereal then we all eat, and talk about guy things. We start talking about Talia and now I want to talk to her. It's almost 10am now, we were all talking for a while.

I go upstairs to my room & I text Talia. I say,
"Can you talk on the phone? I want to talk to you. It's nothing bad :)"

After a couple minutes, my phone starts ringing & I answer it.

"Hey beautiful." I say.

"Hi Austin." Talia says.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Not much really. I'm actually going to be getting my nails, hair, and makeup done in a little while. It's like 3pm here so I'm leaving in a couple minutes. The ball is tonight at 8pm."

"I hope you have fun babe. I want to see a picture of you later, I bet you'll look absolutely stunning." I say.

"Aw thank you."

"It's true babe, you'll look gorgeous. You always do." I say.

"Aw okay."

"So how's London?" I ask.

"It's good. I met the guys of One Direction yesterday, but you already know that, and Harry invited me to go to Zayn's party Thursday night which should be fun."

"Be careful babe, I don't want you to get hurt." I say.

"I'll be careful."

"I hope nothing happens between you and any of the guys...or between you and any of the One Direction guys. If anything does happen, I want you to tell me." I say.

"Okay I will."

"Nothing's happened between you and any of the guys, right?" I ask.

"Nope, nothing's happened."

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