Chapter 29: Part 1-Walking around London

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Talia's POV

"So here's our guest room. You'll be staying in here." Brad says opening the door to a room.

I walk inside and look around.

"I hope it'll be okay for you while you're here." James says setting my suitcase down next to the door, inside the room.

"Yes it's great, thank you." I say smiling.

They all smile at me and they all say goodnight to me since it's almost midnight now. I forgot that the time difference is 5 hours later here.

Crap I was supposed to call Austin when my plane landed.

I call him and he picks up on the second ring.

"Hey babe! How was your flight?"

"It was good! It didn't feel like it was too long of a flight, but I slept for part of the time too. I landed a little while ago but I was busy trying to find the guys, and I forgot to call you."

"It's alright babe, and I'm glad you had a good flight. What are you doing right now?"

"Not much, I'm just in the room I'm staying in. It's almost midnight here so the guys went to bed. I'm like wide awake but I know I should probably go to sleep."

"You'll have jetlag Talia. Try to sleep."

"Okay. Night Austin."

"Goodnight beautiful, I love you."

"Love you too." I say, then I hang up.

I get my phone charger out of my bag and plug my phone in to charge, then I get into bed. I turn off the light and I close my eyes, trying to fall asleep.

~in the morning~

I wake up to someone knocking on my door.

"Wake up Talia! Can I please come in?" I hear someone yell. I know it's Brad.

I sit up and quickly put my hair in a messy bun.

"Um yeah you can come in!" I yell.

Brad comes into my room and sits down next to me on my bed.

"Goodmorning Talia. How did you sleep?"

"Good I guess. I never knew what jetlag felt like until now."

"Yeah. So what would you like to do today?"

"I don't really care. We can do whatever."

"Okay well we have a radio interview this afternoon, so maybe we could just show you around the city and have lunch, then go to the interview."

"That sounds good." I say.

"Okay well you get ready. It's a little after 8am now, so maybe we can leave a little after 9?"

"Okay I'll get ready, then I'll meet you guys downstairs."

"Okay Talia." Brad says, then he gets up & leaves the room.

I walk over to my suitcase and open it, then I look for something to wear.
I pick out my one floral skirt and my plain black t-shirt, and I choose to wear black sandals. I change into my clothes then I take my things into the bathroom. I brush my teeth, then I put on a little makeup & I brush out my hair. I pull a piece of my hair back & then I'm done getting ready.

I go out into my room and grab my phone, along with my small purse, then I walk out of my room and go downstairs. I look around downstairs and I find the guys waiting in what I'm assuming is the living room.

"Hey" I say when I walk in.

They all look up at me and smile.

"Goodmorning Talia!" They say and I smile at them.

"Are you ready to go, love?" Brad asks.

"Yeah I'm ready." I say smiling.

The guys all get up and I follow them outside to one of their cars. I sit in the back in between James & Brad, Connor drives and Tristan is in the passenger seat.

We all talk while we're driving and they say that we'll park somewhere & then walk around town.

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