6. day alone

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Y/N Pov.:

"You need to go now." i said and opened the door.

"Why ? Don't you want me here anymore ?" he groaned and walked out.

"You know why." i said.

"It won't bring bad luck ! And isn't it only the night we can't have together ?" he asked.

"Many people say different things and i want to make sure that everything will be perfect. And you can have the day with you family, that isn't bad." i pointed out.

"Okay, but if you run-"

"I won't run away." i finished. He nodded and hugged me once more. "I will miss you too."

"I know. But after tomrrow we only have one step left to become a family." he said and pulled his head away to look at me. "A baby." he whispered with a smile.

"I know. But let's just concentrate on the wedding, then the honeymoon and then the job. After that we can think about it." i whispered.

"Don't remember me about the movie." he groaned.

"It will be fun. We both are the lead actors. But just because the other actors couldn't work together." i said.

"Lucky for is but shitty for our honeymoon. I wished it would be more than just a week." he said.

"I know, but we can go back there again." i said.

"With our kids ?" he asked sheeplish.

"I said after the job and not before. Now go." i said and pulled away from him. He gave me a quick kiss and then left with his car. Just like i did minutes after, to drive to my parents house.

"Y/N !" my mom said and hugged me. "What are you doing here ?"

"I wanted to ask if i could get Oliver for the day ?" i asked.

"Of course you can. Come in." she said and we both went inside. In the living room sat my dad with Oliver by his side.

"Hey little boy." i said and kneeled down to pet him. "Ready to see my new home ?"

"You take Oliver back ?" my dad asked. I stood up and hugged him.

"For the day. Just felt like he should see my home." i said smiling down at him.

"How are you feeling, honey ?" he asked.

"Exited and nervous. Never thought that would happen." i said. He smiled sadly and hugged me again.

"My babys are all grown up." he said. We talked for a while before i took Oliver and some of his things back to my house.

"And this is my home." i said and opened the door. "Tessa, i brought a friend."

You could hear her little steps and soone after she and Oliver ran away through the house. I laughed and put my things away. I went upstairs and put on some biker shorts and one of Toms dresshirts. After that i went back downstairs and leid down on the couch.

I put on the Avengers movie with me first in it. Just to see me and Tom in one movie and go through journeys and memories. Soon after Oliver and Tessa joined me on the couch.

After half through the movie my phone began to rang. It was Tom with a facetime call.

"You know i don't know if that counts on not seeing the bride before the wedding, but i missed you." i said.

"I missed you too, that's why i called. What is the soon to be bride doing ?" he asked smiling.

"You know the basic. Chilling with my buddy's and watching avengers." i said and moved my phone to Tess and Oliv.

"Jealous. It's the first time they seeing each other right ?" he asked and i nodded. "How are they doing ?"

"They are best friends. No problems here." i said.

"Lucky to hear. And how is the bride doing ?" he asked smirking.

"She is doing great but she is nervous." i said.

"You know what i always say: turn your nerves into excitement." he said and i rolled my eyes playfully.

"I am exited. It's more like that i don't want anything to go wrong." i said.

"Same here. But nothing will go wrong. And when something will than we will laugh about it. Nothing bad will happen." he said.

"Oh i will laugh when you fall down anywhere." i said and we both laughed.

"Than i want to have that on video. Is it weird that i want to do this right now ?" he asked.

"You dork." we both laughed. "I will stop this here and now because i don't know if that counts."

"It probably does." he smirked. "But with you everything is perfect."

"Love you." i said.

"Love you too." he said and then the call ended. Tomrrow i will really marry this man. And no one knew about it, except close friends and family. The paparazzi shot some pictures when we organised something but nothing that would lead to that we would marry tomrrow.

I will actually marry Tom Holland. The boy i met 5 years ago. Everything started with me fangirling over him. All because of the Russos, because of Cherry, because of acting, because of him being so nice and surprise me, because of me jumping over my shadow and trying my luck in the movie industry. Without all the acting we probably never found together. He wouldn't know me and i would cry fangirling over him. I mean who wouldn't ?

Crazy how fast life changed. From the little family girl that was super shy, not brave, alone and scared to the young woman that is a family and friend person, not shy anymore, braver, not alone at all and just scared of the fakt that at her wedding could go something wrong. It was such a journey, a journey i would definelty tell my kids about.

Kids. A topic i didn't even thought about years ago. I thought i would be the person with 10 dogs in her bed than a man.

My love ❤️

I love you ❤️

I love you too darling ❤️

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