15. start

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Y/N Pov.:

"Most of them are just happy for us." i said and put my phone away.

"Yeah, i'm happy about that." he said and also put it away. I cuddled close to him and laid my head on his chest. "You wanna stand up ?"

"In a second. What are we going to do today ?" i asked.

"Let's just walk around. We had an exhausting day, so let's keep it simple." he said and kissed my head.

"Like that. Now let's go somewhere for breakfast." i said smiling.

"But don't overpower yourself. You need it all for tonight." he smirked and slapped my butt while i stood up. I shook my head playfully and walked over to the window. I went out on the balcony to check how warm it is. Pretty warm.

I decided to wear some basic denim shorts with a white crop top. I paired it with some sunglasses and put a hoodie around my neck. Maybe it could get cold again, we don't know.

"You ready ?" Tom asked. I nodded and grabbed my phone and purse.

"Let's go." i said. When we left the hotel room it was 10 am. We walked out of the hotel and looked around. "You've been here before. You know any good places ?"

"I know a cute little cafe near here. But not because i was here, because i looked it up while you got ready." he said, taking my hand and guiding us to the cafe.

"Nice of you." i said. We both walked like 10 minutes until we were finally at the cafe. It was cute. You could sit inside and outside, outside near the water.

"What do you want princess ? I'll get it while you sit down." he said.

"Can i may have an iced coffee and toast ? Maybe avocado toast, i don't know depends what they have. Some fruits were nice too." i said.

"Will get you. See you in a minute." he said kissing my cheek before he walked away. I looked after him smiling before i went outside and sat down at one of the table. I then put out my phone and decide to answer on some congratulation messages for the wedding. Everyone was so cute.

"Your iced coffee, avocado toast and a bowl with apples, strawberry's and blueberrys." Tom said and put everything in front of me. I thanked him and than he sat down across of me.

"What did you got yourself ?" i asked.

"Some porridge with fruits and scramble eggs. And coffee, of course." he said and took a sip. "What did you smile at while i was gone ?"

"Just answered some messages for the wedding. Ty said we should call him when we can." i said and started to eat my toast.

"Yeah, we can do that in the afternoon. Time difference and everything." he said and i nodded. "How are you ?"

"What do you mean with 'how are you' ?" i chuckled.

"How are you feeling ? Just wanna know." he smiled.

"Well right now i'm very happy. My food is good, the weather is good, this place is beautiful and i'm here with you. I'm very happy." i said. He smiled at me the whole time.

"That's great, i'm happy that i could make you happy." he said.

"You alway did, Tommy." i said.

"That's something we could argue about." he said and we both laughed. "But i'm also very happy. You know, i think we are big at a point where everything settles in. Where we really go this way together."

"You have your way with words, Holland." i said.

"You too, Holland." he smirked. I laughed and he then joined me. After the little breakfast we decided to walk around.

We walked around the city for the whole day. Just walking and talking. Some people came to us and asked for pictures. I think many people didn't came to us because they thought we could maybe be on our honeymoon. But everything was so nice.

It was around 4 pm when Tom and I got back in the hotel.

"I'm going to call Ty now. You want to talk too ?" i asked.

"'course. Make facetime." he said and sat down next to me on the balcony. I did what he said and called Ty.

"There they are. The bride and the groom, the husband and the wife !" Ty said.

"That would be us." i said smiling.

"Congratulation guys. I saw the pictures you guys posted, it looked amazing. Y/N you looked amazing." he said.

"Thank you Ty." i said.

"Thanks mate." Tom said.

"I'm sorry guys i couldn't come. But i couldn't make it in such a short time. I'm truly sorry." he said.

"It's okay, man. We understand that it was a very short time, we knew we couldn't have everyone with us." Tom said.

"Yeah, probably. Now tell me more about the wedding. How was it ?" he asked exited.

"Truly amazing. It was so lovely, the venue, the people, the cake-" i started.

"The bride." Tom interrupted me. I looked at him and he smiled proudly at the camera. "Man you should have saw her when she walked down the aisle. The whole day, she was absolutely stunning."

"You got whipped mate. I remember the first time i met you two together. In the house. You two ere so shy around each other, at most Y/N." we all laughed. "But i kinda had this feeling that you two would end at this point. We can call it the Ty-tingle."

"Help god !" i said laughing with everyone. We talked for a while until it was time for Ty to go back to work.

"So how about this. We stay here for 2 more hours and then go somewhere beautiful and eat dinner." he smiled.

"I like that. But i need to shower now." i said and stood up.

"Do that.While you do this i look for a restaurant." he said and i nodded before i left in the bathroom.

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