30. sickness

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Y/N Pov.:

I ignored the everything people screamed after me. I just really needed to get a toilet. So i ran to the bathroom, opened the toilet and threw up. I didn't even realised that someone followed me or went in the bathroom, but after seconds i felt someone lift my hair and stroke my back.

"It's okay darling. Let it all out." Toms soft voice said. I trew up even more and after minutes i was finally finished. I flushed the toilet and sat down next it. Tom immediately pulled me in his chest to calm me down. "You feeling better ?"

"Yeah, a lot. Sorry for that. I really didn't see it coming." i said.

"No problem." he kissed my head. "Did you feel sick or did you eat something wrong ? "

"I don't think so. I actually didn't felt that good when you asked me this morning but i just thought i wasn't fully awak. I think i just didn't ate enough this morning." i said.

"Maybe. We need to see how you doing over the day." he said. "Do you feel ready to go back ?"

"Yeah, i'm feeling a lot better." i said. We both stood up and walked back to the set. Before that he made a little stop in the breakdown the get something to drink and something to eat for me.

"You okay Y/N ? What happened ?" Sam asked worried.

"Yeah, i'm sorry for making such a scene. I just didn't felt well, but now i do. So we can move on." i said.

"You sure, love ?" Tom asked me. I looked up at him and nodded.

"Yeah, we can move on." i said.

And for the rest do the day was nothing. We filmed the scenes over and over again and i did feel great. After hours of filming we could finally go back home.

"I'm going to take a quick shower. I'll be back in a second." he said.

"Do that. I think i will call my family quickly." i said. He left to take a shower while i called Josh.

"Y/N !" he screamed. He turned around with the camera and in the background was the rest of my family.

"You guys hanging out without me ?" i played offended.

"Always. And it wouldn't be our fault." Josh said.

"Yeah, you are the one who is filming a new big movie." my mom said and we all laughed.

"That's true. So how are you guys doing ?" i asked.

"Great. We are doing very great." Josh said.

"I'm going to Washington in 2 days. Thanks for sending me some apartestes. They all looked great. I will visit them" Luna said.

"Really ? That's great. Maybe i can see if we could come over for some days." i said.

"That would be great. Me and Alex would be there, just text me when you can." she said.

"I will." i said. Josh than turned the camera over to Evelyn and Sofia. "Awww there is my girl. You have grown so much."

"I don't think i did. But thank you." Evelyn said and we all laughed. "How are you doing ?"

"Great, or better now. We filmed so early today that i throw up because of that." i chuckled.

"You really okay darling ?" my dad asked.

"Yeah, everything fine. As i said, i feel good again." i said.

"Oh i need to steal Y/N for a second. Me and Josh wanted to show her something. Luna take Sofia for a second." Evelyn said. I looked confused at the scene, but just waited until everything was normal again. Both of them went upstairs in my old room.

"What do you want to show me ?" i asked.

"Do you maybe wanna tell us somthing ?" Josh asked.

"What ? I don't know what you are talking about." i said.

"Are you pregnant ?" Evelyn asked and my eyes whidened.

"Shhhh." i said and looked if the bathroom door was closed. "What the fuck are you talking about ?"

"You said you were trying." Josh said.

"First of all, he doesn't know. Second of all, what has that to do with... anything ?!" i asked.

"Morning sickness. You said that you threw up early in the morning." Evelyn said.

"That was once. And i had a lot of stress the last days. I am not pregnant." i said.

"You sure ?" Josh asked.

"Yeah. I mean if i had more signs that i could be pregnant but i just threw up once. Nothing else." i said.

"But you still want to be pregnant right ?" Josh asked.

"Of course i do. You know i wouldn't have stared o try it without begin 100% sure. And Tom is perfect, he also wants a baby and everything. So yes, i still wanna be pregnant. But i'm not yet." i said.

"Awww cute." Evelyn said. I rolled my eyes playfully. Then th bathroom door opened. Tom came out wit just a towel around his hips.

"Oh sorry i thought you were already finished." he said.

"You didn't want to see us mate ?" Josh asked. Tom came closer and waved at them.

"Well, maybe not with just a towel on." he said and we all laughed. "I'm gonna change now, see ya soon."

Tom left to the bedroom and i soon after finished the video call with Josh and Evelyn. Later that day Tom and i laid cuddled up in the bed.

"You still feeling good ?" he asked.

"Yeah, everything fine." i said. "Oh,do you think we could stay for some days longer ?"

"Why ? You don't wanna go back home ?" he asked.

"I do. But Alex and Luna would be in Washinton in 2 days. Maybe we could stay with them until they would travel back home again. That would mean we would stay there for 2 days before we fly back home with them." i said.

"No of course we can do that. Are they looking for apartments ?" he asked.

"Yeah, she said they were also looking for some we've send them. Maybe they will need help. I just don't want them to go thought this all alone." i said.

"No problem darling. We can look for a hotel tomrrow and then we can go there after we're finished here." he said.

"Okay, thanks." i said and yawed.

"Go to sleep, love. You had an exhausting day." he said and turned the light off.

"You too, but i agree." i said and cuddled closer to him. "Good night Tommy."

"Night darling. I love you." he kissed my head.

"I love you too." i said and kissed his chest before i closed my eyes.

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