17. talk

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Y/N Pov.:

It's been 2 days since Tom and I had sex. And well, i didn't took the pill yet. I mean, it won't happen at the first time, right ? It won't.

Right now i was laying in the bathtub, eyes closed and just relaxing. Then i heard the door open. "Darling ?"

I opened my eyes and looked over to Tom. "What is Tommy ?"

"I should gave you a 'hi' from Josh, Evelyn and Sofia." he said smiling softly.

"You talked to them ?" he nodded. It made me smile again, that he comes along with them so well. "That's cute."

"Mind if i join ?" he asked and i shook my head. He smiled and closed the door behind him, before he stripped his clothes and joined me in the bathtub. Now were my back pressed at his chest and his arms were around me. It was quite o a while as i relaxed at his touch. "You okay ?"

"I'm just fine." i said. "You ?"

"I'm perfect." he said and drawee little nothings on my stomach. I looked down and imagined how caring he would be if there would be a growing bump.

"Yes you are." i said and we both chuckled. "What are you thinking about ?"

"You. Us." he said.

"What exactly?" i asked and laid one hand on one of his.

"How happy i am. With you." he said. "And the future."

"Tell me." i said. "Tell me about the future. Our future."

"Is it the talk ?"he asked, with a tone of excitement in his voice.

"If you want it it be than yes." i grinned. I looked in the mirror where in front of the bathtub and saw a smal smile coming in his face.

"I thought-"

"Be happy that we can talk about it and except it." i turned my head and smiled at him. He had also a huge smile on his face and kissed my cheek. I turned back around and looked at him in the mirror. "Now tell me, lovely husband, tell me all your thoughts."

"Kids. Kids running around the house, playing with Tessa. Screaming and laughing. Boys or girls, doesn't matter." i watched him as he talking about it with full of joy and exitement. "We can cook with them, play with them, having movie nights, cuddle them and fill them up with lots of kisses."

"How do they look like ?" i asked him smiling through the mirror.

"I don't know. Tell you me." he smirked. He kinda knew that i imagined it before.

"Your hair. Brown little curls. A boy that would look exactly like his daddy. Brown little curls, his big brown eyes, his laugh, his soft lips-"

"He can't be like me, love. He will always have something of his mommy in him. Your nose, your perfect lips or your smile." he said interrupting me.

"And a girl ?" i asked.

"Just like her mommy. Her hair-"

"Stop right there. I want our kids to have your hair." i said stopping him. He gave me 'you know that won't be possible' look through the mirror. "I don't care. I want them to have your curls."

"What's wrong with your hair ?" he asked.

"Nothing i like them-"

"I like them too." he said smiling.

"Thanks. But i love your hair. Imagine a little boy or girl with a brown mop of curls on their head." i said.

"I can imagine. But i don't want them to be my kids. I want them to be ours. And i want them to have as much beauty of their mom as they can get." he said. While said that he looked me in the eyes through the mirror.

"Oh Tommy." i said turned around and looked him in the eyes.

"They will be perfect, if you are the mom." he whispered.

"And you are the dad." i whispered and gave him a kiss. I then turned around again and cuddled in his chest. It was quiet for the next seconds. I have closed my eyes and when i opened them i saw that Tom had a dreamy smile on his face and looked at me. "What ?"

"When ?" he asked simply.

"When what ?" i asked confused.

"When do you feel ready to try it ?" he asked.

This could be it. I had the chance. Tell him now and don't surprise him if i get pregnant. Or don't tell him and surprise him if i'm pregnant.

I was so lost in my thoughts that i probably forgot to answer.

"I know everything that happened with your parents, but i would never ever leave you. So if you think about that, than get this stupid thought out of your head. You know that i would love a kid with you, to get a little baby in your stomach. Your little baby-" he started.

"Tommy love." i stoped him. And he did. "I was just lost in my thoughts. I didn't even thought about that. I love you and i absolutely trust you. I see and hope that it's also true, the love you have for me and the future baby."

"Of course i have. I wouldn't have married you days ago if i didn't." we both chuckled.

"Exactly. You know i love having you by my side and take the next steps with you. But let us take it slow." i decided the second choice. "We are fresh married and will shoot a movie in like 3 days. Let's just get these things behind us and then we can start our little family. I know it's not just me in this, but also you. So are you okay with that ?"

"I'm absolutely okay with that." he smiled and kissed my temple.

"I don't have any trust issues with that anymore, i can promise you. Just let us finish the other project before we start a new one." i said.

"That's okay with me." he said smiling. "I love you baby, okay ?"

"I love you too babe." i said and squeezed his hand.

That will be the best surprise of his life.

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