22. first dance

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Y/N Pov.:

"So let me introduce you to the team." this man said. "I'm Jack and this is Veronica. We are your dance teachers and the inventors of the dance."

"Nice to meet both of you." Timmy said.

"Our pleasure. And you can call me Rony." Veronica said.

"Okay let's move on."Jack said. "These two guys are Steve and Josh. They will be your trainers. We will see how fit you are today and over the other days and then we decided where you need to wore out more. And the last person is Mia, she is your person to talk to when you want a massage. It's important that when you feel stressed or stiff that you go to her and she will see what she can do. Everything clear ?"

"Yes." Timmy and i said at the same time.

"Great. So that i would say that we can start. Let's warm up at first." Rony said. "We will stretch at first."

So as she said we stretched... for one whole hour. Don't know if that is much for a professional dancer or too long, but it took us that long until we were kind of ready. Well that's what they said.

"Okay my people, let's start." Jack said and me and Timmy walked over to him. "How about me and Rony will dance the dance one time for you and then we will work you through it ?"

And they did. Me and Timmy sat down at the side where Tom sat and watched them doing the dance. An it was good. And it was hard. And it was passionately and close. But we already new that.

"So that's would be it. Any questions ?" Rony asked.

"Yeah, do you really think that we weren't your last choice. Because i don't think i can do that." Timmy said and we all laughed.

"Wasn't our decision who made it in the movie. But we will try our best to make it look as professional as it can be. Also we can change things up if they are too hard, that won't be a problem." Rony said.

"Great. So do we start now ?" i said and stood up.

"Still optimistic and engergetic, like that. Let's start." Jack said and waved us over to them. We stood infringe if the mirror with Rony and Jack next to us.

"So basicly we will start with a normal dancing position and thought the dance it will get more and more heated. Just do what we are doing. Y/N put your hands around his neck and Timothée put your hands on her waist." Rony said.

And so we did. I put my hands around his neck and his were in my hips. We looked over to Jack and Rony and they stood like we did, just closer. So we also got closer together.

"Isn't uncomfortable?" Rony asked. We both looked at each other and shook our heads.

"Weird but not uncomfortable in that way. Wouldn't do it in privat but now i need to do. It's called professional." i said.

"And we both know where we belong, or to who i should say." Timmy said and i nodded.

"And mine is watching." i said and looked over to Tom. He looked observant but not jealous. As everyone looked to him he smiled and waved.

"Cute. Let's move on." Jack said. So for the next 4 hours with little breaks we went though the beginning of the dance or some techniques.

"I think you guys are finished." Rony said. Me and Timmy laid on the floor covered in sweat and nodded. "So we're going to talk with the others and let you guys some minutes alone."

Both of them walked away to talk with our trainers.

"Are you dead ?" i asked Timmy but kept my eyes closed.

"I am, are you ?" he asked.

"I definelty am." i said.

"Poor Tom." Timmy said.

"Yeah, poor him. Now he has a dead wife." i said and we both chuckled.

"Hey darling." Tom said. I opened my eyes and he sat down next to me. "How you feeling ?"

"Did you ever felt like you worked out for days straight, then got drove over my a car and then put in a trash can with trash and sweat in it ?" i asked him and Timmy laughed next to me.

"No ?" he said.

"Lucky you, because i just do." i said and he chuckled.

Then Josh and Steve came over to us. "We watched and talked with the other. You guys definitely need some training but not as much as we thought."

"Thanks." Timmy and i said.

"Our pleasure." Steve said. "You will start working out tomorrow. Arms, legs and some things for balance. These were your main issues."

"That's like the whole body but okay." Timmy said and we all laughed.

"Could be. But you won't dance tomrrow. We will text you the gym we're going to and then you will be there at 10 am. You will do your workouts that we show you and that's it. After tomrrow we will give you a new timetable wor the next 2 weeks that will include dance lessons and gym with us." Josh said.

"Not gonna lie but these weeks will be hard for you." Steve said.

"Poor Tom again." Timmy said smirked and i slapped his chest. Everyone laughed.

"Asshole." i said.

"Great. So you guys are free for today. Take your time and maybe relax." Steve said.

"We definitely will." i said and stood up.

"Will we ?" Tom smirked and i slapped his chest while the other laughed.

"You guys are annoying. Don't know why i married you." i said and walked always to my bottle of water.

"Because you love me." he said.

"Lucky you." i said teasingly.

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