26. sick boy part 2

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Y/N Pov.:

I stood in the kitchen and made some dinner for us. The toast was ready and the eggs just finished. I was ready to get Tom out of the bed when his arms were already around me.

"I would say it smells amazing but i can't really smell anymore." he said laughing but that turned soon in a caught.

"Oh honey." i gave him a glas of water what the thankful accepted. "Go and lay down on the couch, i will bring you everthing."

While he got comfortable on the couch i finished the breakfast and brought it to him. I also got the medication he should take what he thankfully now did.

While we ate breakfast we talked about the day.

"What are we going to do today ?" he asked.

"Well, you won't to anything. Not until you are better again." i said.

He groaned. "Okay, so what are you going to do today ?"

"I will go out to get some things. On the way back i'm getting you some soups that Sam recommended and then i'm going to take care of you." i said.

"Great for you, but what will i do while you're gone ?" he asked.

"You can watch movies, learn your lines or maybe take a shower. Maybe you will relax a bit." i said.

"Maybe but i will still miss you." he said and opened his arms for me to cuddle him. But i just shook my head.

"I don't wanna get sick.-"

"We cuddled the whole night !" he pointed out.

"But there you could still smell food." i said. "When you get better over the day we can cuddle again. Also you better take all your medicine and maybe some vitamins would help your body too."

"Yes, mom." he rolled his eyes.

"Not yet." i said and left to the kitchen.

"Wait what ?" he asked and got up. I turned around and put him back down.

"You will not leave the couch except you need to. I will go now and text you when i will be back." i said and put the blanket over him.

"But you-"

"No but, you stay here while i'm gone. Call if you need something. Love you." i gave him a kiss on his cheek and left to the door.

"Love you too and be back soon." he called after me.

"I will." i said and closed the door behind me.

As i said i was the walked around the city to get some things. Some fruits for Tom, a scarf if he really needs one and some other things that would maybe help him. I was gone for 2 hours before i got in line for the soup.

"Oh my god it's Y/N." i heard suddenly behind me. I turned around and saw 2 girls approaching me.

"Hi, we're so sorry to disturb you but could we may take a picture ?" the smaller girl asked.

"Of course that's not problem. What are your names ?" i asked.

"I'm Claire and that's Alex." the taller girl Claire said.

"Nice to meet both of you." i said and then took a picture with them.

"Can i ask what you are doing here ? You were just in Venice for your honeymoon." Alex asked.

"Of course you can. We're actually here for filming." i said. Their eyes whidened.

"So you 2 are filming a movie together ?" Claire asked exited. My eyes whidened.

"Well he is here in New York too but laying sick on the couch. That's why i'm here getting him some soup so he is getting better soon." i said trying to avoid that question.

"Oh no, we hope he gets better soon." Alex said.

"Thank you, i will tell him." i friendly smiled at them.

"Ella Pella." someone screamed.

"Oh that's me. It was nice meeting you guys." i said.

"Ella Pella ?" Claire looked confused.

"Yeah i wasn't that creativ with a fake name. Don't want them to scream my name everywhere." i chuckled.

"Oh we understand. Then have a great day." Claire said.

"And thank you for the photo." Alex said.

"It was my pleasure to meet you guys. Have a great day too." i said and then walked to my soup. I paid for it and then left the store to get back home to Tom.

I opened the door and saw that the tv was running. I put all the things away before i made my way over to the couch. On it wasn't Tom watching the movie but was cuddly asleep. I smiled and put the soup on the couch table before i sat down next to him. I moved some curls away that were messy over his eyes. I went with my hands through his hair to slowly wake him up, what he also did.

"You're back. How long has it been ?" he asked tired.

"Nearly 3 hours. But i got you soup." i said softly.

"Thank you darling. I took a shower and felt way better after that, so could we cuddle ?" he asked half sleeping again.

"Maybe later, darling. Do you want the soup now or should i better put it aside for later ?" i asked him.

"Maybe later." he said closing his eyes again.

"Okay. Go back to sleep." i said and he hummed as agreement. I kissed his head and then took the soup and put it in the kitchen for later. While he slept i made a fruit salad for later. Vitamins are never bad.

After 2 hours he woke up again so that he could eat something.

"Thanks for the soup." he said while eating it.

"Nothing to thank for. There will be a fruit salad you will please eat after this." i said.

"I will. Thank you." he said. "Now sit down for a second with me and don't put all my mess away."

I chuckled and sat down next to him. "Oh i remember. I should tell you that Claire and Alex hope you get better soon."

"Who are Claire and Alex ?" he asked confused.

"Just some girls i met. Oh and i may have said that we are in a movie together. Well i tried to safe it but i don't really know if i did." i said smiling sheepishly.

"Just like a real Holland. Kind of proud of you." he smirked.

"Oh just up." i said and hit his arm playfully.

"Stop, i'm sick !" he laughed.

"Than get better and eat your soup !"

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