52. interview

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Toms pov.:

"I miss you so much." she said.

"I miss you so much too darling. But i will be back in a week." he spoke in his phone to Y/N. "Was someone over today ?"

"Your mom and Sam were over today. They bought cake, really good cake. I think we had some leftovers." she said and he heard movings in the background.

"Are you getting the cake now ? At 9:30 pm ?" he chuckled.

"The boys want what they want. I need to give it to them right ?" she laughed. He smiled at imagining her big smile to her beautiful laugh. He looked at the side and saw Harry giving hi a sign that the interview will start now.

"Then do that darling. But i'm sorry because i need to hang up now. The interview will start now." he said sadly.

"Noooo i wanted to talk to you." she whined.

"I do too, trust me. I will text you when we're over and you can take your time to answer okay ?" he said.

"I will. Have fun darling. Love you." she said.

"Will do. Love you too, love. Hear you later." he said and hung up. He sighted out and put his phone away.

"You guys ready ?" the interview asked and both the boys got ready in their chairs.

"Ready as ever." Timmy said.

"Okay than let's go." the interviewer said. "Hello i'm Brian and today we are here with Tom Holland and Timothée Chalamet and your watching WatchMojo."

"Good to be back. I love WatchMojo, i always did." he said.

"I remember. When you let one of our colleges speak 'Welcome to WatchMojo'. It was hilarious." Brian said.

"I watched it." Timmy said. "And i'm happy to be here."

"That sounds like a good base. So for everyone who didn't know, Tom and Timmy are playing together in their new movie. Sounds like a very hollywood combination, because they were joined by Y/N Holland that sadly couldn't come today. So guys, how was it to meet ? Was there maybe concurrence ?" Brisen chuckled.

"No, i immediately knew he was better." Timmy said and everyone laughed.

"Such a liar. He came in and acted like everyone knew who he was and that he was the king of the world." Tom said and everyone laughed even more. "No it wasn't like that. Everyone treated the others reall nice and like normal humans. No one thought they were better."

"Yeah that was really nice. You felt normal around them. They understood what you are going through, what struggles you have and how nice it is to just be treat like a normal person." Timmy said.

"That sounds really nice. And how was it for you Timothée to work with a famous couple. Congratulations by the way." Brian said.

"Thank you." Tom said.

"Was it easy to you know, be a team maybe ?" Brian asked.

"Super easy. I am older then both of them but i felt like their son. It's always like 'Timmy do you want these ?' 'Do you need that ?' 'You wanna come over later ?' 'You okay ?' Always. I think i had never a second were i felt leftout." Timmy said.

"Bu you are 'Lil Timmy Tim'." Tom said.

"Oh noooooo." Timmy said and groaned and laughed. "Not again."

"We always talked to Timmy like a little child because of his rap career back then. It was hilarious." Tom said.

"Would you say that was one of your favourite memeroies from set ? If not which one was yours ?" Brian asked.

"With Timothée or in general ?" Tom asked.

"We can start with Timothée and do general too." Brian said. "The same for you Timothée."

"Oh i think i know which one it is with you." Tom said and turned to Timmy.

"You mean the one of us dancing ?" Timmy asked and he nodded. Both of them started laughing. "Can i tell it ?"

"Go on." Tom said and tried to stop laughing.

"So basicly me and Y/N danced so so much together. For the first 2-3 weeks i think we just filmed and leaned the choreography. Of course you get tired at some point when you dance the whole day." Timmy said and chuckled. "Basicly Y/N went to the side to take a break but i was full energetic, so i needed to do something. Tom was with us on set to watch like everyday and Sam randomly, problaby as a joke, said 'You can dance with Tom. He was a dancer and probably knows the whole choreography'."

"I think he never thought we were actually do it." Tom said and both tried to hard not to laugh.

"Right. So Tom and I looked at eachother and were like let's do this shit. So there is a video of me and Tom dancing like me and Y/N did in the movie. And we also did a part where i jumped on him and he hold me over his head." Timmy and Tom laughed so hard at this moment.

"Like in dirty dancing ?" Brain asked trying not to die from laugher.

"Exactly." Tom said and whipped tears from his eyes. After everyone was finished with laughing the moved on.

"The next thing is maybe your favourite memories with Y/N." Brian said.

"All of them." Tom said.

"All ?" Brian asked.

"I feel like i need to say that because she is my wife." Tom said and everyone laughed. "Okay maybe i shouldn't say all of them when there are scenes where we scream at each other and hit each other."

"Latterly all the time ?" Timmy said.

"Oh right. Okay new answer. None of them." he said and everyone laughed. "No i loved to work with her, it was amazing. I mean we worked together before but now we had like nearly the whole movie together. Of course i didn't liked to scream at her or acting to hit her, even tho i didn't just wanted to say that. And outside of filming of course everything was great."

"It was actually rwally hilarious to be on set when they needed to hit eachother." Timmy said.

"Why is that." Brian asked.

"So Y/N and Tom are the most loving couple i've ever met. I don't just say that because he sits next to me but they are so loving and caring and young with each other, it's so cute to watch." Timmy said and Tom put a hand on his heart. "So basicly sometimes, even tho they don't want it, they really hit each other a little or feel like they screamed too much at each other. So always when Sam screams cut they go to each other and be like ' I'm so so so so so so so sorry. I really really really really didn't want to do that. It was an accident.' Sometimes it was just funny to watch."

"Thanks mate." Tom said and everyone laughed.

"Always bro." Timmy said.

"So then let's move on." Brian said.

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