57. names

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Y/N Pov.:

The last weeks or month have been great. Tom and I stayed at home the whole time or went last baby shopping. Everything was ready because the little boys could come in the next week to 2 weeks. The doctor said perfectly between mine and Toms birthday. And mine will be in 6 days what we don't really celebrate. Being highly pregnant and doing a party isn't the best things. So we just told them to come over if they want to and that's it.

As already said we were ready for the boys to finally come. But one thing wasn't ready. The names.

"Tommy ?" i screamed. I laid on the couch, as always this week, and screamed through the house because i don't know where he was.

"In the study." he screamed back.

"Come here." i screamed. After some second he came in the room.

"What do you need, love ?" he asked and sat down next to me.

"We didn't thought of names yet. I mean we have nothing." i said.

"You're right." he realised. "Man i totally forgot that."

"Me too. But could we think about it now ? At least some basics you know ?" i asked. "I also don't know if we should decide the names yet. Maybe just ideas of the names we like because in the end they won't fit to the boys."

"You're right. But yeah, we can totally do that now. Do you want something to eat ?" he asked.

"Do we still have some of the fruit salad ?" i asked and he nodded. "Then some of that please."

"I'll be back in a minute." he said and left the living room. Not that much later he came back to the couch with mine and his food. "So the basics. What are the basics ?"

"Double name ? Name with special meaning ? Just names we like ? Names from the family ? Names from friends ? Similar names ? Short names ? Names that are just like yours a nickname but in the end their actual names ?" i asked.

"Basics. Okay understood." he said and sat down properly. "I would like a double name."

"Same. I also thought about naming the second name Stanley, but then i found it horrible." i said.

Tom looked jokingly offended. "You don't like my name ?"

"You know i love it. But it would be weird if both and yours second name would be Stanley. At most for them. 'Who is the better Stanley ?' I don't want that." i said.

"That's true. That is horrible. Okay, so we know they won't be a Stanley. And also that their second name isn't the same right ?" he asked.

"No, because they could always be compared." i said.

"Yeah, not that cool." he said. "A thing that i would like is a name that has a good nickname. You know like mine. Instead of Thomas it's just Tom. Instead of Samuel it's just Sam. Instead of Harrison it's just Haz. And going on like that."

"I'm a fan of that too. I like that." i said. "But do you think they should have a similar name ?"

"I mean if we find some cute ones than why not. But internet end we can decide between 4 names." he said.

"That's true. Second thing. Should we give names by any family members. Like you did with Tessa ?" i asked.

"I mean then we have to do it to every child we have, so they don't feel any less special. And at some point we won't have enough family members." he said and we both laughed. "Maybe we should let pets be their names."

"Probably. Okay then we come to the names part. Any names you like ?" i asked.

"Peter." he said. I rolled my eyes.

"We're not naming our kid like your character." i said.

"Why not ? It's cute." he said.

"The other one will feel left out. 'Daddy names my brother like his biggest achievement and me like a name he liked'." i spoke in a little kids voice.

"First, you are right it's not that good. Second, my biggest achievement is my family with you. Third, we can name the one Peter and the second Parker." he said.

"No." i said.

"Okay, understood." he said. "Okay how about Luke ?"

"And the nickname ?" i asked.

"Luke." he said. "Yeah, maybe no Luke."

"How about Emilio ?" i said.

"Nickname ?" he asked.

"Lio." i said.

"Sounds nice. I write it down so we won't forget." he said and wrote it down on his phone. "Got it."

"How about Joshua ?" i said. "And nickname Josh... okay no Joshua."

"Maybe not. Do you also accept special names ?" he asked.

"Out with it, Holland." i said.

"Landon. Nickname Lan." he said.

"Write it down, i like that one." i said. "Anthony."

Tom looked at me confused. "Really ? You really want our son to have the name of Anthony ? He will tell everyone that i named my son after him because i would be obsessed with him."

"But i like that name. And i love Anythony ans Sebastian. And the nickname would be Tony." i said.

"I'll write it down." he said and i smiled.

"Thank you." i said. We sat for the next 3 hours in the living room and thought about good name ideas. It took us long to think about names we like, different kind of names for different kind of children, crossing out names we didn't liked anymore and so on. At the end we had 10 names on the list.

"Okay 10 names for 2 baby boys." Tom said. "What now ?"

"Looking at the list everyday and choosing if we still like them ?" i asked.

"That's the best we can do. And it stays with giving them the actual names when they are here ?" he asked.

"Yeah, we can decide on what they look like." i said.

"Agreed." he said and scoffed closer to me and leaned down to the baby boys. "Not long until you buys will be finally here. We're so exited my loves."

"So exited." i said and went with my hair through Tom outgrown curls.

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