58. Y/N's birthday

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Y/N Pov.:

"Darling, wake up." i heard Tom whisper and kissed my head. I slowly opened my eyes and saw him sitting next to me body on the bed. "Happy Birthday, Y/N."

"Thank you." i yawned. He leaned down a give me a sweet kiss on my lips. "I love you."

"I love you." he said and pulled away again. "How did you sleep ?"

"Good, except that the boys were kicking my ass." i said and sat up. My eyes whidened as i saw that Tom already made breakfast. "Since when were you up ?"

"Not that long again. I wanted to make this because i saw how much you moved in the night. I thought you would want that." he said.

"Awww Tommy. Thank you so much." i said and kissed his cheek. "Will you eat with me ?"

"Of course." he smiled and sat down next to me in the bed. "Just that you know. Josh, Evelyn and Sofia come over in an hour. He asked if it was okay because we wasn't sure if other were alredy here."

"What time is it ?" i asked confused.

"Nearly 11 am." he said and ma eyes whidened.

"Why did you let me sleep that long ?" i asked.

"As i already said. You moved a lot while you were asleep and at the end you didn't anymore. Ask i thought i give you the rest you deserve." he said and put his arm around me so i could lean on his side.

"That's nice of you." i said and grabbed my toast he made for me. After we were finished with breakfast we put normal clothes on and moved from the bed to the couch. 30 minute later already rang the doorbell.

"I got it." Tom said and went to the door to open them. "Y/N is on the couch." i heard him saying.

I turned around and saw the others walk in. "There is my favourite Josh." i said and sat up. He came around the couch and hugged me.

"Happy Birthday, potato." he said and kissed my cheek before he got up again. Then Evelyn hugged me and at the end Sofia sat next to me.

She pointed at my stomache. "What that is ?" i asked her and she nodded. "In there are your cousins. Mine and Toms baby's."

"Ewwww." she said in a cute voice, laughed and then walked back to her mommy. We all laughed at her cuteness.

"How have you been ?" Evy asked.

I sighed. "Let's just say i'm happy when they are finally here."

"Trust me. There will just beginn the real fun." she said and we all laughed. Then the doorbell rang again. I looked confused at Tom.

"I take it. Maybe it's just the postman." he said and left for the door.

"I can't believe you will have twins soon." Josh said and that turned my attention back to him.

"Me too. Never thought about that in million years." i said and we all laughed. "How have you guys been ?"

"Good good. It's been pretty chill the last days." Evy said.

"Not in my life." i heard behind me. I turned around and saw Luna with Alex standing next to Tom. "Surprise."

I started cry. Luna ran over to me and pulled me in a tight hug. "I love your hormones." she laughed.

"What are you doing here ?" i asked her.

"Do you really think we will miss your guys birthday and the birth of the twins ?" she said and i smiled at her. Alex than came around and hugged me too.

"Happy Birthday Y/N." he said.

"Thanks Alex." i said. They were here for 2 more hours before they left again. I then took a little nap before both our parents came over with cake.

"How is everything going ?" my mom asked.

"Everything is fine. Did you know Luna and Alex are back ?" i asked them.

"Yeah, they are staying at our house." my dad said.

"Awww thats cute that they came back. I mean the big day is soon." Nikki said.

"I hope so." Tom said and i agreed.

"So what are your plans for today ?" Dom asked.

"Well my siblings were already here, then i took a nap and now you are here. I think the boys and Haz with Gracie will come over this evening but thats it." i said. "After you leave i will take a nap again."

"That sounds like a great play." Nikki said. After the left i took an hour nap again before the boys already came. At 7 pm we were all sitting on the couch and just talking. Me leaning on Toms side with his one arm around my and the other one protective on m bump.

"So what did your husband get you for your birthday ?" Harry asked.

"A massage for after the boys are here. And i will take it immediately." i said and we all laughed.

"If you find time for that. I mean taking care of the baby's and the oscar's at one ?" Sam said.

"Oscars ?" Tom and I asked at the same time.

"You didn't know ?" Paddy asked and we looked at him confused. "Y/N und you got nominated for the new movie as the best leading actress and actor."

"Holy shit. That's amazing." Tom said and kissed my head. "Congratulations my darling."

"To you too." i said and squeezed his hand. "How do you know this ?"

"It's all around the internet." Gracie said.

"When was the last time you checked your phone ?" Haz asked.

Tom and I looked at each other. "I think i wasn't on social media since the premier."

"Me neither." he said.

"You got old." Sam said and we all laughed.

"When are the oscar's ?" i asked.

"1. July. So you have a month between it." Haz said.

"Can we even fly with the baby's ? Because i won't let them here." Tom said.

"That's what we need to figure out." Harry said.

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