36. telling them

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Y/N Pov.:

"Guys so good to see you." Tom said and hugged everyone. Paddy also brought his girlfriend.

"Thank you for inviting us over." my mom said.

"Great idea." Dom said and hugged us. We then said that everyone should go in the dinning room so we could start dinner.

"Let's do this." Tom said and put his hand on my belly from behind me.

"Yeah." i agreed and then we walked after them to the table. We all had a funk catch-up while we ate dinner and dessert.

"How was filming ?" Sam asked.

"Great. Didn't knew Y/N was such a dancer." Tom laughed and put his arms around my shoulders.

"I am not. But these scenes looked really great, if i can say that." i said and everyone laughed.

"I think they will look amazing. Can't wait to see the movie." Dad said.

"Really ? You wanna see Tom slapping Y/N ?" Josh said and my dads eyes whidened.

"Fake slap me." i corrected him. "If you say things like that than say them correctly."

"Where is the fun behind that." Josh winked at me.

"Let's move this to the couch, should we ?" Tom asked and everyone agreed. Everyone took their glasses and walked over to the couch. Tom pulled me back for a short time. "Ready to tell them ?" i nodded and we walked to the couch. "You sit with me."

Tom lifted me up and placed me between his legs, my back pressed on his chest and his hand landed on my tummy, wiht mine over his.

"So Paddy, since when are you guys together ?" Evelyn asked.

"A month now." Paddy said proudly and put his arm around her.

"1 month and 17 days. So nearly 2 month." July said. Everyone laughed even Sofia did.

"Why haven't we heard of you before ?" i asked.

"Someone was too shy to come to the wedding." Paddy said.

"Of course i was. I knew who would come and i wasn't ready for that. It would be intimidating enough if just Y/N and Tom were there and not also Zendaya, Chris Evans and everyone else." July said.

"That's normal honey. But they aren't that intimidating aren't they ?" Nikki asked her.

"Not at all. You have a great house by the way." July said to us.

"Thank you." Tom and I said at the same time.

"And how are you guys holding up with baby Sofia ?" asked Sam.

"Great. Little Sofia already said her first words and has little attempts of walking." Evelyn said.

"Wiht little attempts she means that she can stand for 2 seconds and that's it." Josh corrected her and we all laughed.

"Did my teaching lessons helped her ?" Luna asked.

"Luckily not." Josh said.

"Shit, i thought i could do something." Luna said and we all laughed again.

"How was Washington you two ?" Dom asked.

"Great. Everything went as planned." Alex said.

"Do you have an apartment now ?" Harry asked.

"When we kick the other couple out, then yes." Luna said smiling like a little psycho.

"That's his attitude." my mom said and pointed at me dad. He scoffed jokingly and everyone laughed. We had some more catchup while everyone just relaxed. Toms thumbs stroked all the time over my belly. Sometimes he gave my neck or my head little kisses. At oe point we stopped talking with them and just watched them having conversations. It was calming.

"When do you think we can tell them ?" i whispered and looked up at him.

"I have an idea." he said and leaned down to kiss me. I put my hand on his cheek and kissed him back.

"If you don't want us here than don't invite us." Alex said and we pulled away. Everyone looked at us and we laughed.

"Okay, we got it." Tom said and laid me in my normal position again with our hand on my tummy. "Let's play a game. We make groups of 2."

"That will be fun." my mom said. Everyone got in teams, that were at the end the partners right next to them.

"We need team names." Tom said. No one knew what he was up to but i didn't either. Everyone played along and said their team names. Until we were at the team of Harry and Sam. "Your team name."

"The twins." both said at the same time. Now i kinda had an idea what Tom wanted to do.

"The Holland twins have the power." Sam said and high-fived Harry.

"Which one ?" Tom asked and it made me smile.

"Us dumbass, we are the only one." Harry said.

"Are you ?" i asked him in a teasing tone. At this point everyone looked at us. I looked over at Josh and Evelyn and smiled at them.

"No way." Evelyn said quiet, but loud enough because the rest was silent.

"You are ?" Josh pointed at mine and Toms hands. I nodded. "Oh my god, come here."

He jumped up and pulled me up in a hug. We had a very long hug while everyone watched us.

"What is going on ?" Paddy asked.

"Why could Harry and Sam not be the only twins ?" Evelyn asked him.

"They are. Until in the future someone would get one." at the end of the sentence Paddy's eyes whidened.

"You are pregnant ?" Harry asked exited. Tom nodded.

"With twins ?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, so you aren't the only Holland twins anymore." Tom said exited. Everyone stood up and came to us to hug us. My mom and dad cried, as did Toms parents, as did Josh.

"That's my son." Dom said and hugged Tom proudly.

"Thanks dad." Tom said. I was back in Josh's arms and watched Tom having this moment wiht his dad.

"You will be a perfect mom." dad came to us. He cried probably the most.

"Come here dad." i said and opened my arms for him again. Josh joined the hug and we had a big group hug.

"My kids grew up so fast." he said. "Luna come here." Luna then joined us and we had this massiv groups hug. "I'm so so proud of you guys. Of every single one."

"Thank you dad." Luna said and pulled away, as did Josh. But i stayed.

"Thank you for everything." i said and hugged him once more before i pulled away.

"You guys will be perfect parents." he said.

"Thank you." Tom said and hugged me from behind. My dad looked at us once more and smiled before he walked back to my mom, who hugged Nicki crying. "Best reaction they could give."

"They are the best." i said and leaned on his chest.

"They are and the others will." he said and stroked my tummy again. I looked down at it and you could actually see a little bump. Tom did the same because i felt his chin on my shoulder. "Lovely little twins, They will kick Harry and Sams butt."

I chuckled. "But that's not why we love them."

"Also because of other things. But if they did they would have plus points." he chuckled. We both laughed and then enjoyed the rest of the night with you lovely family.

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